Четверг, 26.12.2024, 18:52
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Войны древних "Богов" и доисторические катаклизмы
vlad9vtДата: Четверг, 15.03.2012, 03:45 | Сообщение # 241
Сообщений: 2125
Статус: Offline
Принял решение, чтобы из нашей Солнечной Системы создать «концлагерь» для Душ в форме наказания, которые плохо себя ведут в воплощениях и деградируют.

это как пауков посадить в одну банку - только где же справедливость ? Причём одни души нормальные- спокойные, а другие чистые звери -животные. И вот их как на зоне сажают в одну камеру и смотрят чего будет .
Если делаете конслагерь то звери должны быть только со зверьми . А нормальные души зачем к ним сажать ? wink
В свою очередь, начали прилетать инопланетные цивилизации из разных Планет, как Электрической Природы (Серые, Рептилии, Инсектоиды, Гуманоиды и др.), так и Электро-Магнитные тираны (Гуманоиды, Аннунаки и др.). Их планы начали осуществляться в реальности - Они начали глобальное порабощение, создание Планеты рабов и добычи сокровищ. Для одних: медь, ДНК людей, животных; для других – золото, бриллианты, белковый материал людей (молекулы ДНК, кровь, кожа и др. материалы для их работ и экспериментов). Помимо к нашей Планете подключи-лась и Деструктивная (Отрицательная) Система, т.к. много Душ шло по Эволюции в Отрицательные Системы."

эх жаль я не Господь - я бы показал всем тут Кузькину мать с горбинкой - калёным железом и огнём всю погань что несла зло- выжег бы раз и навсегда и повек веков .
Ещё бы штурмом взял бы все низшие миры и там бы порядок навёл бы на повек веков . Раз и навсегда. Выгребли бы все кто сеял зло и носители зла - были бы уничтожены не только они сами а и их души поганые - чтоб даже следа не осталось. Чтоб раз и навсегда закрыть эту тему. Чтоб даже понятия такого не существовало .
Всех демонов и им подобных - истребить раз и навсегда- чтоб даже мысли такой не было. Их счастье что никто ими не занимается . Они молится должны что им позволяют так много .

Я Тут нарвался на огромную кучу информации - с историческими древними рисунками и гравировкой из центральной америки
Хочу заметить прямо Клондайк информации - smile изображения пришельцев - тарелок , дисков, ГУМАНОИДНЫХ ПРИШЕЛЬЦЕВ - как доделаю выложу видео.
необьятная куча информации...

Добавлено (14.03.2012, 14:58)
-------------------------------------вот некоторые фото --------



картинки открывают историю Земли и кто сюда прилетал

что впоследствии также привело к гибели Малдека (Фаэтона),

по поводу гибели тиамат - меня терзают смутные сомнения что и нибиру и есть тиамат - сошедшая с орбиты.

Добавлено (14.03.2012, 16:05)
нибиру огромная - и тиамат была огромна
нибиру орбита перед юпитером и орбита тиамат перед юпитером .
на фото нибиру видно 7м крупных спутников планет - и у тиамат были спутники
По информации наша луна -это бывший спутник тиамат. Её бывшая луна . Там на поверхности были моря -как сейчас есть моря к примеру на титане (спутник сатурна) и ио спутник юпитера
только там не вода а сжиженные газы типа метан, углекислый газ, аммиак и прочие .(в жидком состоянии)

На поверхности марса также были моря . сейчас там лёд под песком

Добавлено (14.03.2012, 16:28)
В свою очередь, начали прилетать инопланетные цивилизации из разных Планет

они были тут уже давно
до сириуса рукой подать -( сириус +процион+ тау кита +эпсилон эридана - фактически рядом)
ближайшие звёзды.
говорят что серые это что осталось от мальдекианцев-тиаматцев
, это все привело 850 000 лет назад к глобальному планетарному катаклизму, в котором большая часть Лемурийцев была уничтожена.

у меня немного другая информация - и по дате намного ближе к нам
не более 228 000-25 000 лет назад
То есть весь пик войн и катаклизмов был с 228 000 лет до нашей эры по 8000-6000 лет до нашей эры.
Что до этого было трудно сказать.
и что самое примечательное динозавры не вымерли- они живут и сейчас .(внутри полой земли и в пещерах во внутренней стороне коры земли.
мамонты не вымерли -они живут и сейчас
похоже что прочие животные ледникового периода также не вымерли !

а даже если допустить чтокакие-то виды вымерли -то их легко могут завезти опять- у них есть и звёздные врата света и машина времени в этих же вратах.
Они как полубоги кто управляет этими вратами
и что самое интересное они могут перемещаться и в прошлое и в наше будующее - то есть будующее финал всего они уже знают.
и что бы мы сейчас не делали что бы не предпринимали - это будет как раз то будующее о котором они знают...
Это касается и прошлого - кто бы из будующего не захотел бы вдруг вернутся назад - то мы в нашем настоящем должны видеть следы их пребывания в прошлом.
То есть мы можем уже сейчас видеть следы пребывания людей из будующего в нашем прошлом ....
И что бы они там не делали в прошлом - мы увидим это в своём настоящем сейчас ( их следы) - вот такая у меня теория

Добавлено (15.03.2012, 03:45)
древние инопланетяне
возможно с Сириуса

Сообщение отредактировал vlad9vt - Среда, 14.03.2012, 16:38
НачалМенятьсяДата: Четверг, 15.03.2012, 14:17 | Сообщение # 242
Сообщений: 199
Статус: Offline
Quote (Сириус)
Немезида-Ану-РА приветствует тебя

Есть один человек он Называет себя Искателем Истины, и Олегом Землянином он написал много ответов. И на это обращение он тоже написал ответ

vlad9vtДата: Четверг, 15.03.2012, 15:50 | Сообщение # 243
Сообщений: 2125
Статус: Offline
самым простым среди которых будет молниеносная атака тысяч космобрандеров, набитых атомными бомбами.

нибиру размером с сатурн - я думаю она по размерам как тиамат - верней она и есть должна быть бывшей тиамат (хотя не суть важно)
немезида -нибиру -это одно и тоже.
Для неё даже десятки тысяч атомных и водородных бомб ничто- в плане того что они лишь поцарапают её поверхность но не остановят.
на земле в африке нашли воронки по 120 км в диаметре - представляете какие в древности бои были ?
Всё горело.
Новая война ничего не решит- лучше договорится миром ( и не важно кто там в этой войне будет участвовать и на чьей стороне)
Лучше мирно договорится и разойтись - в нашей галактике от 200 до 400 000 000 000 звёзд .
во вселенной триллионы галактик- что они так все к Земле прилипли - тут что мёдом намазано ?. Миллиарды триллионы галактик вокруг с сотнями миллиардов звёзд
(выбирай любую)

И ПОМОЙМУ ОНА уже в солнечной системе - только не в оси движения планет - а под углом.

единственное что - я бы посоветовал бы(всем сторонам конфликта) разложить всех евреев-масонов богачей на атомы (и все их души поганые) а зоаодно и всех маньяков-убийц и им подобных(любой из рас) .
гуманным способом. и плюс расселить расы - чтоб жили впредь отдельно . Но перед этим каждого перепроверить - душу его перепроверить.
Всех плохих гуманным способом присыпить(разложить на атомы) - а души их отправить в другие миры

Вот так бы было гуманно.
и ещё бы было неплохо оставшимся подкорректировать гены - чтоб все были красивые

Добавлено (15.03.2012, 15:50)

Мы вновь поможем зародиться Новой Расе людей на вашей чудесной планете, оставив свой Звездный посев на Земле. И мы научим вас полетам в дальние миры, где вы, также как и мы, сможете помогать им и оставлять там свои Звездные посевы во всех областях жизни.

что со старой расой будет я догадываюсь - главное чтоб гуманно-гуманным методом

Сообщение отредактировал vlad9vt - Четверг, 15.03.2012, 15:37
НачалМенятьсяДата: Четверг, 15.03.2012, 15:50 | Сообщение # 244
Сообщений: 199
Статус: Offline
Если по вашей логике идти то будет Гуманно Уничтожить большую часть Южных Европейцев, Они же смешанные или вы забыли переселение Народов?

Сообщение отредактировал НачалМеняться - Четверг, 15.03.2012, 15:53
vlad9vtДата: Суббота, 17.03.2012, 15:57 | Сообщение # 245
Сообщений: 2125
Статус: Offline
только начинаем, вернее, продолжаем нашу, основанную на партнерско-родительских взаимоотношениях, дружбу и дальнейшее сотрудничество с вами, дорогие земляне. До скорой встречи в просторах необъятного Космоса. Ваши прародители и друзья с планеты Нибиру.

меня интересует вопрос -как они уладят проблему с деньгами и кастой богачей ?
а также с различными расами на земле . чье смешивание приводит к истреблению белой расы как таковой ?
хотя возможно я догадываюсь как- кардинальным методом
Если по вашей логике идти то будет Гуманно Уничтожить большую часть Южных Европейцев, Они же смешанные или вы забыли переселение Народов?

я же сказал -нужно уничтожить всех кто плохие . любой расы (пусть хоть белее белого)
А всех хороших кто останется разных рас расселить подальше друг от друга-и дабы одна раса не уничтожала другую - категорически запретить и не дать им возможности смешиватся и видеть друг друга.
Не убивать =-а расселить подальше друг от друга . А ещё лучше генетически обработать всех хороших и сделать одну белую расу
Это было бы идеально . Чтоб все были молоды , нестареющие , красивые . молодые и хорошие -вот это было бы идеально

не произведете тех опустошений, каковые приносил каждый шестой проход Нибиру через Солнечную систему.

а я читал в докуметах огпу каждый четвёртый проход smile wink
"полевой офис" Галактической Федерации,

туманно -значит тиаматцы нибируанцы в галактической федерации которая против ориона ?
То есть иными словами он говорит что галактическая федерация плохие - а орион против галактической федерации wink
трудно во всё этом разобратся

Добавлено (15.03.2012, 16:11)

Вы помогали Люциферу в проведении Его безумного "эксперимента".

тут тоже немного не стыкуется с моими данными

Добавлено (15.03.2012, 16:20)

Я попрошу у Господа Твою планету в качестве подарка за хорошую работу, когда Господь будет уже доволен жизнедеятельностью Расы
как бы так мягко сказать - этот Олег землянин далёк от божественного.
Его выражения далеки от божественного , и Господь в его словах похож на растовщика (ты мне а я тебе)
типа торгуется

как по мне далековато от истины

Добавлено (15.03.2012, 16:23)
я вообще не понимаю как может какой-то землянин Олег - у которого сгорел компьютер влиять на такие процессы ?
Мягко говоря он никто и ничто как и все мы . Ноль без палочки - вся его писанина ноль , в принципе все мои видео также ноль и не более того cool

Добавлено (15.03.2012, 16:27)
Я ПОНИМАЮ если бы он это говорил находясь в армаде из миллиардов кораблей
и размеры этих кораблей по десятки сотни км + боевые станции планеты и т.п. (+энергетические корабли из энергии)
и чтоб за ним ещё было хотя бы пол галактики или группа галактик.

А так пишет какой-то паренёк у которого сгорел компьютер из России smile
хотя кто его знает -как говорится ПУТИ ГОСПОДНИ НЕИСПОВЕДИМЫ

Добавлено (15.03.2012, 16:44)
и ещё хочу добавить - есть силы которые взрывают целые галактики -100 млрд звёзд .
мне известно три таких случая .
Думаю есть больше .

Поэтому даже если у вас миллиарды кораблей и звёзд - есть силы во вселенной которое и с этим справятся .
я читал даже про взрыв группы галактик . Но ни координаты ни адреса нет - только информация.

Добавлено (15.03.2012, 19:10)
чего-то мне кажется что эти инопланетяне или с сириуса или с нибиру
или и там и там были

Добавлено (17.03.2012, 15:57)
Матиас Де Стефано - Вспомнить Всё

Сообщение отредактировал vlad9vt - Четверг, 15.03.2012, 16:09
НачалМенятьсяДата: Понедельник, 19.03.2012, 13:14 | Сообщение # 246
Сообщений: 199
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По Индийским Ведам возраст Вселенной составляет 311 040 млрд. земных лет а один день Вселенной 4 320 000 000 земных лет

Quote (Сириус)
Например, земляне, создавая семью, подражают Солнцу, то есть у нас один мужчина женится на одной женщине, что символизирует атом водорода, из которого состоит наше Солнце, где вокруг одного протона вращается один электрон

Вообще, чаще всего у мужчины несколько любовниц, А у Мусульман, разрешено иметь гарем

Сообщение отредактировал НачалМеняться - Понедельник, 19.03.2012, 14:13
mitkaДата: Понедельник, 19.03.2012, 14:09 | Сообщение # 247
Сообщений: 200
Статус: Offline
Quote (НачалМеняться)
Вообще, чаще всего у мужчины несколько любовниц
ошибка, у самца несколько любовниц, а у мужчины нет.
ВегаДата: Понедельник, 19.03.2012, 16:05 | Сообщение # 248
Сообщений: 619
Статус: Offline
Quote (НачалМеняться)
Вообще, чаще всего у мужчины несколько любовниц

мда... dry
vlad9vtДата: Понедельник, 26.03.2012, 13:13 | Сообщение # 249
Сообщений: 2125
Статус: Offline

Рапа Нуи

Добавлено (23.03.2012, 23:18)

Нан Мадол базальтовый форт Микронезии
ТАМ ОБНАРУЖИЛИ СКЕЛЕТЫ в два раза более чем человеческие
а также следы страшного цунами со стороны возможно Филлипин . цунами прошло через весь остров и разметало как солому часть базальтовых столбов
По преданию те гиганты что жили на этом острове были злыми

Добавлено (24.03.2012, 00:40)
большая часть сооружений под водой
вес большинства столбов от 5 до 10 тон
от места где их до бывали до где их складывали машиной ехать примерно полтора часа
Подсчитано что если бы туземцы работали без выходных 364-365 дней в году то они смогли сложить бы этот форт за 200-220 лет .
Но ведь есть же ещё затонувшая часть этого сооружения, а также часть засыпана песком , илом, грязью -какие-то титанические труды
И спрашивается зачем ? ведь туземцы испокон веков живут в соломенно-пальмовых домах - из соломы пальмовых листьев и травы - и даже в наши дни они в таких же
домах живут !
Какого- чёрта им стоить многими столетиями этот форт(храм). Поднять на такую высоту 5-10 тонные блоки базальта - это титанические усилия.

А потом кто разметал часть этих блоков как солому и попроламывал стены ?- там есть проломы и блоки покрошены - переломаны , разбросаны .
А ведь это базальт ! И после всего львиную часть этого строения затопил океаном .
А уровень океана поднялся примерно в конце ледникового периода !

Добавлено (26.03.2012, 01:16)
Я, для начала, приведу его здесь полностью, а потом передам "пару ласковых слов" как самим Нефилимам

меня тут просветили что слово Нефилим переводится как Нифельмхейм (пишу по памяти -могу ошибаться) .
То есть нефилимы это выходцы с севера - дословно пришедшие с полярных областей .
Иными словами титаны обитали в полой земле (и обитают) и приходят с полярных областей.

Немизида - это и есть Нибиру
Ану - это был такой из военачальников в империи орина +сириус. Верней там пишется что он был учёный , а ануннаки там - это команда учёных создателей жизни .
По негритянской версии этой книги(есть и такая и писалась неграми медиумами) -негры их упорно называют анунаги -говоря что они все рептилии. (я думаю это не факт !)
После того как жизнь в солнечной системе была подвергнута тотальному истреблению в наказание за бунт , ануннаков прислали чтоб возродить жизнь(пишу то что прочитал)
Много веков прошло после последней нашей встречи, много полезного и значимого принесла она вам.

у людей тут сплошное горе -с маленькими проблесками небольшого мимолётного скоротечного счастья .
В своё время многое было подарено вам, лоно наших женщин и матерей служило и способствовало вашему рождению. Вам переданы гены богов нашей планеты, богов - Нефилимов, как называете нас вы.

Туманно !
Ну почему всегда пишут расплывчато ? .
Нет чтоб чёткие и конкретные даты - что и когда происходило , с именами и лаконичным но понятным описанием событий - чётко и конкретно !

Добавлено (26.03.2012, 01:25)
Мы вновь поможем зародиться Новой Расе людей на вашей чудесной планете, оставив свой Звездный посев на Земле.

туманно-так договаривайте уж -а что ждёт остальных
И мы научим вас полетам в дальние миры, где вы, также как и мы, сможете помогать им и оставлять там свои Звездные посевы во всех областях жизни

это я так понял речь идёт о новой расе
Не эти ли увлекательные путешествия и разностороннюю жизнь ожидали вы много веков? И вот настало это замечательное время, время перемен и захватывающих событий.

ну если быть скурпулёзно точным то люди о инопланетянах узнали грубо говоря лишь в 20-ом веке .... До этого в обозримой после потопноой истории человечества - беру дату от 2000 лет до нашей эры - врятли кто-то даже мог представить такое. О мечтать даже и мысли не было .
Много, очень много подарков приготовили мы вам, любимые наши дети.

лучше бы заместь подарков перешестрили бы масонскую погань и всякую нечисть поганую что сеет зло на земле- это касается всех рас.
И кто сюда пускает эти души поганые -что уже с самого рождения несут в себе зло ?

Добавлено (26.03.2012, 01:36)
В новые, более современные одежды оденем мы ваши тела, которые получат и вместят больше Божественного Света, чем имели до этого

да не в одеждах дело , и не в технологиях .
Они видимо иль не видят иль не знают - что зло тут - зло везде вокруг . Которое плодится и ширится как пошесть и чума . Зло в самих душах.
Не в одеждах дело - если бы люди были хорошие - то и проблем бы не было никаких !
Хотя можно сказать даже так - на 7-8 миллиардов людей примерно процентов 70 душ зло - а из них процентов 10-20 чистое зло .
Которое (их души) нужно изгнать подальше- но они и там будут сеять зло , поэтому лучше гуманным способом ликвидировать раз и навсегда их души поганые !
Мы поможем поднять ваше сознание до небывалых до этого высот, и вы охватите им тот многомерный и многоуровненный, до конца не познаваемый, мир всей Вселенной, всего Мироздания. Вы увидите и вспомните то, что заложено в вашей генетической памяти, памяти детей-богов.

а почему раньше это всё было закрыто - и кто закрыл -назовите список и по каким причинам ?
и назовите список кто ответственный за зло что творится тут ?
Что разобраться с ними раз и навсегда и на повек веков ! Пойти к высшим богам - и показать кто ответсвенный за всё это . Хотя думаю реальные боги и так всё знают . и без нас .
Только что мешало им помочь раньше ? -вот вопрос . Почему это всё в зародыше не остановили ?
Ваши ДНК примут Космическую составляющую и позволят вам наравне с другими Духовно развитыми планетами Галактики активно включиться в процесс жизнетворчества и жизнедвижения. Расширятся горизонты вашей познавательной деятельности, и вы увидите воочию Космические просторы не только этой Галактики, но и всей нашей Вселенной. Мы подарим вам всё, что сумеете принять и унести от нас, расширяя ваше сознание до горизонтов, которые сможете увидеть и ощутить. Прошли те времена раннего становления и развития человека, наступает эра Бого-человека, впустившего в свое сознание общее сознание Космоса. И мы видим ваше будущее уже в совместном и полноправном содружестве наших планет - побратимов, хотя и отличаются наши планетарные тела размерами и эклиптикой в этой Солнечной системе. Все астропланетарные знания в свете нового расположения планет, а также Карты Новых Навигационных Путей Космоса после совершившейся Галактической Прецессии также будут подарены вам и вашей планете. Начнется новая, захватывающая и необозримая по своим масштабам, эра увлекательнейших путешествий на другие планеты, другие миры и Галактики. На этом мы не прощаемся с вами, а только начинаем, вернее, продолжаем нашу, основанную на партнерско-родительских взаимоотношениях, дружбу и дальнейшее сотрудничество с вами, дорогие земляне. До скорой встречи в просторах необъятного Космоса. Ваши прародители и друзья с планеты Нибиру.

это всё конечно очень хорошо -но сначала нужно разобраться со злом что царит тут (гуманным методом)
и можно было бы и дату назвать -когда это описанное ими счастье наступит !)

Добавлено (26.03.2012, 01:42)

- это гнилой "орех", который был недавно превращен в "полевой офис" Галактической Федерации.
wacko wink
ещё более туманно......
так кто плохие Галактическая Федерация или Галактическая Конфедерация, или и те и те плохие ??? wink
Ну почему чётко не описать данный момент(поподробнее в деталях) cool .
Чётко и конкретно -лаконичным способом по сути дела.

Добавлено (26.03.2012, 01:44)

так что Владыка просто "забавляется" подобными вещами, под предлогом "отработки кармы")

мрак какой-то wink surprised
по его словам Господь далёк от божественного .
Я думаю реальный высший разум такими глупостями не занимался бы

Добавлено (26.03.2012, 01:46)

(тем, кто еще разгуливает в черно-красных защитных костюмах с золотым позументом) запрещено совать сюда свои поганые носы.

на этом моменте можно было бы и по подробнее остановится

Добавлено (26.03.2012, 01:54)

Вы нас создали в качестве расы рабов с усеченной генетикой, чтобы мы добывали золото, которое Вы увозили на Нибиру без числа, (понижая тем самым вибрации нашей планеты), чтобы смягчить последствия ударов атомных "торпед", полученных Вашей планетой в Галактической войне! Кроме того, Вы нас "создали", чтобы мы сражались в Ваших идиотский войнах как простое "пушечное мясо", подло ограничив нашу жизнь тем "геном смерти", каковой не позволяет человеку долгой жизни. Вот почему люди живут каких-то несколько десятков лет, а не тысячелетия, подобно Вам,

тут тоже вопрос а почему так много рас ? а почему так много разных языков ? а почему мы уже пятая человеческая цивилизация на земле ?
если бы было всё так как он говорит - была бы одна раса и один язык (по идее чисто логически)
а так как минимум пять рас (негры - белые - монголоиды - австралоиды+полинезийцы - и индейцы(краснокожие) . а также куча подвидов включая вымершие народы и расы .
Что-то не клеется . Хотя возможно четыре цивилизации назад была первая прото раса рабов
и Тоже не клеется -так как говорят что они были наиболее продвинутые .

если речь идёт о рабах в шумере -африке и америке (возможно) . Но вот к примеру германцы изначально золото считали за мусор и никогда не добывали и всегда держали в пренебрежении !
Это реальный исторический факт (подтверждённый разными древними источниками) только потом они стали ценить золото !

Добавлено (26.03.2012, 02:01)

Вы изувечили нашу генетику таким паскудным образом, чтобы "люди" могли только вкалывать на золотых рудниках, петь и плясать, развлекая господ-Нефилимов, но никогда не смели бунтовать, а поклонялись Вам, как "божествам".

германцы никогда не работали -они только воевали и охотились . У них мужчина который работал презирался в древности . Также было и у спартанцев .
Если и были рабы - то точно не германцы - это 100 %.
Первые "экземпляры", созданные Вами, были даже лишены способности производить потомство, и лишь помощь Хаторов с Венеры исправила это паскудство!

туманно - а по подробнее про Хаторов и Венеру ?
а может не надо было чтоб рождались и мучались тут ? Не рождались бы и бед бы не было . И горя бы не было...
Ради того, чтобы рабы не вышли из повиновения, Вы специально изуродовали их сознание таким подлейшим образом, что сегодня любой рептилоид (из числа тех, с кем Вы так долго, сколь и безуспешно, воевали в прошлом), может запросто внушить любому человеку, кроме мага, что ему угодно, поскольку мозг людей лишен какой-либо защиты от психических воздействий!

чую что намёк на рептилий саури-шети. Это которые потомки земных динозавров .

Добавлено (26.03.2012, 02:15)

Ныне Вас принуждают к "искуплению грехов", вот потому-то Вы и говорите: "В новые, более современные одежды оденем мы ваши тела, которые получат и вместят больше Божественного Света, чем имели до этого. Мы поможем поднять ваше сознание до небывалых до этого высот, и вы охватите им тот многомерный и многоуровненный, до конца не познаваемый, мир всей Вселенной, всего Мироздания". Оно и понятно! Именно Ваши предки-негодяи и лишили нас того, что Вы теперь собрались "подарить" для искупления своих кармических "грехов"

В трудный момент Вы всякий раз спасали свои шкуры, бросая нас на произвол судьбы во время катаклизмов, а потом возвращались, дивясь, как же мы уцелели. В этом и заключается Ваше "Духовное наследие" землянам. Вы не "боги", а подлая Мразь! Ваша вонючая планета стали символом кошмарных катаклизмов, горя и страданий. Ею пугали человечество на протяжении сотен тысяч лет. Вы и на этот раз неслись к Земле, чтобы "вновь встретиться с нами, вашими любимыми детьми", ну, а если точнее, - чтобы снова исполнить обычную для Немезиды роль Космического Палача, но получили неожиданный приказ на смену курса. Это Господь-Спаситель приказал Вам "отвернуть" в другую сторону, через "Больших Начальников" в ГФ, ибо Он возымел желание иметь иной сценарий для Земли и изувеченного Вами в прошлом человечества!

туманно -что значит сотен тысячь лет ? Что-то не стыкуется surprised
если предположить что мы пятая цивилизация которая гибла от нибиру - и даже допустим каждый шестой проход(а не четвёртый как я читал)- то 108 000 лет - падение второй луны
может быть он имеет ввиду что до этого были вовсе не люди - а какие-то демонические существа как в коллекции Вальдемара Джульсруда и Падре Креспи и доктора КАБРЕРЫ.

По поводу другого сценария -то как по мне уж лучше усыпить - зачем эти чудовищные разрушения ? С тотальными цунами+потоп+смерчи+ураганы и т.п. и Гибель животных и птиц и рыб и т.п.
и опять вопрос а почему раньше не остановили ? Нельзя ли было в прошлом также гуманно убрать плохих людей ?

Добавлено (26.03.2012, 02:17)

Только поэтому Вы, со своим гнилым "орехом", не произведете тех опустошений, каковые приносил каждый шестой проход Нибиру через Солнечную систему. Вы же теперь у нас не просто "камень в космосе", а управляемый объект, "полевой офис" Галактической Федерации, а заодно и боевой корабль-планетоид.

а я читал что чевёртый проход- и вот спрашивается а где истина -кому верить ? surprised

Добавлено (26.03.2012, 12:42)
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вот тут я получил информацию -говорят что это ответ из полой земли на некоторые мои вопросы
During This Present Age (25 March/3rd month 2012)

Below We will explain some terms that We will use. This information may also answer some of your questions which are listed below:

Gaia = the entire planet called “Earth” in English by humans, including all dimensions, and the Surface, Inner, and Interstitial Regons. Gaia is also a very loving and generous living being, with a very deep and elevated level of consciousness, who lovingly hosts many other types of being. She has appeared, along with her inhabitants, to show an example of evolution.

It may be helpful to understand that this example of evolution is intended to be engaged much like a play: a performance, or a game. It was never intended that the “game” become competitive, or to cause the “players” to feel separate from one another. However, it was understood that “separation” and “competition” would be very likely to manifest.

Now separation and competition have manifested, and have begun to spin out of control upon Gaia. This has resulted in hatred and fear for many. Therefore, it has become necessary for “outside” energies to intervene in order to set the “game” back on track.
Because Fear and Sense of Separation have become so prevalent, it has been challenging for Gaia’s inhabitants to understand that help and peace may arise from within themselves. Therefore, it has been more efficient for the “help” to appear to arise from “Outside”.

Earth = The Outer Surface of Earth, inhabited in the third and fourth dimensions by humans, the plant and animal kingdoms, the elementals, and the four elements. The Earth is like the skin of Gaia; very defensive and very likely to react strongly when threatened. The Earth layer is intended to protect the Interstitial and Inner layers.

When competition arose, Surface Dwellers began to view the inhabitants of Agartha and Telos as a “threat”. A powerful faction of Surface Dwellers (see Illuminati below) arose who discovered that they could use fear and separation as devices to control other beings. The Illuminati tend to have a type of personality that enjoys the intoxication of power for its own sake. Therefore, realizing that they could exert this kind of power over others led them to want to do everything possible to increase perpetuate their control of others.

The inhabitants of Telos and Agartha seemed immune to fear and separation, so the Illuminati sought to prevent them from interacting with Surface Inhabitants. Many access points to the Interstitial and Inner layers were destroyed or blocked.

Illuminati = Annunaki (of self-serving intent) = Nazis = Fascists = Supremacists and Extremists of any kind: Those who use fear and sense of separation to exert control over others, for their own pleasure and benefit.

The Illuminati’s main devices for accomplishing this are and were: 1. Destroy all points of access between the surface and the inner layers; 2. Create religions by distorting the teachings of Enlightened Beings; 3. Dis-inform, and then expose the dis-information, in order to increase both confusion and distrust among humans; 4. Increase and preserve the perception that happiness may only be found in external, material possessions and experiences; 5. Mis-educate humans regarding the afterlife, reincarnation, and other dimensions of existence; 6. Portray monogamous relationships as being essential for survival, as a form of further establishing separation from others; 7. Designate certain activities as “forbidden” - even when these activities cause no harm - in order to restrict deep experiences of higher dimensions.

Agartha = Agarta = Agarthi = Agartthi = Interstitial Realms = the worlds that exist within the crust of Gaia, between the Outer Surface Earth and the Inner Earth Agartthi. The Agarthan worlds are inhabited by a variety of beings, having a variety of levels of awareness and intent. Some share attitudes that are very similar to those of the Illuminati, and many of these work with the Illuminati to perpetuate fear and separation. Some share attitudes that are similar to the Telosians, and wish to educate and reunite all beings upon Gaia. Many Telosian mystics, masters and mages choose to spend much of their time within the Agarthan regions because their personal frequencies resonate more along the same spectrum as the crystalline and earth elements.

Telos = Hollow Earth = Inner Earth = the world of the inner surface of Gaia. Telos is inhabited in the fourth, fifth, and sixth dimensions by humanoids, the plant and animal kingdoms, the elementals, and the four elements. The beings of Telos (all types of beings) communicate primarily through telepathy, and this is why it is almost impossible for them to be susceptible to fear and sense of separation. They understand innately that all are One. These beings are also much more adept at using energy (both subtle energy and more physical energy) to accomplish their goals and create their environments. Most Telosians are primarily of Annunaki lineage, although many are the offspring of Annunaki and humans combined. There are a few humans in the Telos regions.

The environment of Telos is very similar to that of Earth. The main differences are: 1. Physical manifestations (plants, structures, people, animals, etc.) are more delicate, but also have a much greater ability to regenerate rapidly, and seldom experience weakness. Longevity and good health are experienced by all who live there.

Because energy is reflected within Telos, rather than being dispersed outwards (as it is on the surface of Earth), there is a multiplying effect which continually elevates and sustains all beings. Even lower-vibrational-frequency beings will be elevated while in Telos. They become saturated with this reflective energy, which harmonizes their lower-frequency vibrations with those of others.

Annunaki = Pleiadians = beings from the Pleiadian star system who assume humanoid form when they appear on Gaia. Although these beings are generally more mentally and spiritually advanced than Gaia’s surface humans, their intentions and abilities range on a spectrum, just like humans.

Orions = Orion Group = Gray Reptilians = Gray “Aliens”. The Orions have two main categories of sub-species, according to their types of internal organs. These organs are determined genetically, and these beings may or may not be engineered to be born with these organs.

There are three of these organs:
1. The one called the “Telmuset” is located inside the brain, encasing the pineal gland. In general, Orions have quite large pineal glands, which have spikes. Their pineal glands function in much the same way as for humans. The telmuset functions to regulate choice or free will, by inhibiting impulse. Orions who possess a telmuset function telepathically, and with “pack” awareness, much like ants. They are easily trained and are very content to follow instructions. They absorb knowledge rapidly, but generally do not have much discrimination, judgment, or emotion. They follow instructions given telepathically, and are unable to communicate otherwise. They are always used in groups of at least two, because if they become isolated they are essentially mentally paralyzed, and lose focus.
2. Male reproductive organ. Similar in function and form to that of humans and Pleiadians, with the exception that it is generally withdrawn [base] into the body cavity.
3. Female reproductive organ. Similar in function and form to that of humans and Pleiadians.

Orions who possess a telmuset may be called “drones”.

Orions who do not possess a telmuset, and do possess reproductive organs, may be called “Annunaki Enemies”, because they are responsible for planting the seeds of self-service and abuse within the Annunaki who have taken the path of Darkness. In general, both types may be referred to correctly as “Orions”. It is very unusual for an Orion to be born with both a telmuset and reproductive organs, and these usually do not survive beyond infancy.

Orions within Gaia choose to remain in the Interstitial Regions, or on the Outer Surface of Earth, for two reasons:
1. They cannot abide the consistent and concentrated higher frequencies of Inner Earth, and prefer being surrounded by the earth element,
2. They cannot conduct their usual activities of manipulating others, while within Inner Earth.
It is possible for Orions to control the minds of humans and others, although this must be done with stealth. Once their interference is recognized, it is quite easily dispelled. They are not actually very powerful, but they are very cunning.
There are many Orions apart from those on Gaia: they exist abundantly throughout their own system and other galaxies, as well as on other planets and moons in our Solar System. Much of their activity related to Gaia has been interrupted recently, due to the wishes and efforts of “Lightworkers”, or those who wish to restore Gaia and the “game” to their natural states of abundance and recreation.

Pleiadians = Nephilim = Anakim = Annunaki (Annunaki are not all considered “bad”, just as humans are not all considered “bad”) = Nordic White Race = Tall “white” fair-skinned people from Inner Earth. These beings originate from the Pleiades, not the Orion constellation. They have humanoid forms, and vary in height from 5 meters (or taller) to 2.5 meters. They are able to interbreed with humans, so some hybrids may have shorter stature. They vary in intention and demeanor. Their original intention is one of unity with all beings and spiritual evolution leading to service of all. They communicate primarily through telepathy, although they are able to speak like humans. They also use music and light to communicate. Some isolated groups of Pleiadians were negatively influenced by the Orions, and shifted their focus towards manipulating others for selfish gain.

Arcturans = Arcturians = [double accurate][prevent Australia] Martians = small green or blue-green humanoids, of advanced mental and spiritual capacity. Arcturans are very benevolent beings, and are as advanced as the Pleiadians in their use of technology, energy, telekinesis and telepathy. Like the Orions, they possess large skulls and small bodies, but their features tend to be more delicate and humanoid.

Arcturans share a greater affinity with the air and water elements, so they tend to appear on Gaia either in the oceans or the skies. Some of them do live in the bodies of water within the Interstitial Regions as well as Inner Earth, but most of them reside in and above the atmosphere of Gaia.

Arcturans and Orions originated from the same race of beings, which we will call the “Golden Beings” until a more commonly used name arises (from Leslee: Vlad, Teo’Na says that you may know the name of these beings. If their description reminds you of a race you know about, please let me know – thank you!).

Arcturans, Orions, and Pleiadians are all able to withstand a wide range of atmospheric conditions. This is partly due to the permeability of their bodies. It is also due to their being able to teleport within and across dimensions. Their forms are able to cross all dimensions up through the eighth (8th) dimension.

Sirians/Sirius = Svarog = Slav-Makers; Svarog. Svarog originated from Sirius, and did in fact create the first Slavic humans. He first appeared on Gaia 111,111 solar orbits ago, in a Fourth-dimensional form. He remained until the death of Akhenaten in Egypt, during which time He elevated to the 8th dimension. He then returned to Sirius briefly, and now resides in the 9th dimension, beyond conceptual awareness. While Svarog was on Gaia, He and his Pleiadian counterparts worked together to guide Humankind through the labyrinth of the “game”. The Sirians are very similar to the Pleiadians. We will use their names interchangeably, unless a distinction becomes necessary.

Yeti = Sasquatch = Big-Foot = Meh-Teh = Tall, hairy, humanoid creatures of relatively low intelligence that inhabit the cavernous regions of the Interstitial lands.

Big Apes = Primates such as Gorillas and Chimpanzees, with medium intelligence and opposable thumbs, which originated on Gaia.

Pre-Historic Man = Humanoids of a variety of species which originated on Gaia and are now extinct.

Humans = Homo Sapiens; Humanoids which originated on Gaia, and which still appear on Gaia’s Outer, Interstitial, and Inner regions. It is possible for Humans to interbreed with Orions, Pleiadians, and Arcturans. This may be done in a variety of ways, including physical intercourse and [dozen] energy transfers. [forward] “Artificial”, “scientific”, or “laboratory” means are not required.

Galactic Federation = Galactic Confederation = Ashtar Command; These names are all conventions used by various channeling mediums in order to create distinctions between their messages and the messages of others. They are useful to some extent, but not necessary. Although “galactic” beings range in intention, they all share a certain level of telepathy, and most of them work together harmoniously. Channeled messages which focus on military terminology reflect the inclinations of the channeling mediums, but this resonates with some who receive these messages.

It may be helpful to understand that the Orion Group participates equally in delivering these channeled messages. They have a role in the “game” which is essential. Antagonists provide opportunities for developing discernment and discrimination.

Now We will answer your questions as listed below:

Yes it would be interesting to know exactly who lives in the Hollow Earth?
(Please see above)

1) Their race, their ancient history, the history of Hollow Earth - has
become a hollow earth inhabited relatively recently, or was inhabited
during in the time of the dinosaurs?

Their races are explained briefly above. Gaia invited all beings into her Inner, Outer, and Interstitial regions at the same time.

The Arcturans and Pleiadians arrived first, simultaneously. They began in Inner Earth, because this was more familiar to them (having come from other hollow planets and moons, and “spaceships”, which are essentially fabricated hollow planets). Many Arcturans quickly migrated to the Interstitial Regions. Once they realized that the Outer surface was habitable and manageable, they began to inhabit these areas too, although the Arcturans quickly decided they preferred the interior regions.

It is difficult to give exact dates, because human archeological and dating methods are incomplete. They do not allow for the fact that many events occur across several dimensions (“stargates” or “portals”), and that time can be variable.
However, We can say that We are currently discussing the life of Gaia during this “current” aeon, which began with the metamorphoses that may be referred to as the “Creation” of this cycle. Gaia took some time to stabilize and balance herself, and then extended her invitations to additional life forms.

All creatures born on Gaia are created out of the phenomena of Gaia: whether matter, energy, or light. “Alien” beings may arrive on Gaia as “immigrants”, but after a certain length of time, because they have been partaking of Gaia’s resources, they become Gaians as surely as humans are Gaians. Their genetics and higher-dimensional qualities of course influence their offspring.

Humans, Yetis, Big Apes, and Pre-Historic Man were all originally created from Gaia’s raw materials. They did not have “Alien” origins. However, they were in fact created, through the power of mind, by highly-evolved beings with the ability to manipulate matter and energy.

The animation of a life form comes from the mind, not the physical matter that forms the body. “Gods” were able to create the forms of beings, and invite minds/spirits/souls into those bodies (just as Gaia invited others to join Her), but the minds inhabit the bodies out of choice, and do experience free will and karma. Once minds become familiar with the process of taking bodies (rebirth), they often begin to do this automatically, without effort or choice. People are able to train their minds to control their rebirths. This is a skill that has evolved over “time”.

So, the “Aliens” arrived first, and created the first wholly Gaian beings. The minds that inhabited these beings came from a variety of sources. Some originated as off-shoots of Gaia herself (such as elements and elementals and living creatures, including some humans), and some minds originated as off-shoots of beings from “other planets”. Some minds arrived as off-shoots from realms where the evolutionary cycle has been completed, and Enlightenment has been attained. These beings chose to re-take bodies in order to amuse themselves or help others. This process continues today. Gaia is filled with an incredibly rich diversity of life. Every day, new souls/minds arrive from countless origins, and merge with each other or minds which have been on Gaia since her inception.

2 )Why are they hiding there?

Some of this has been explained above. However, We will add that many of the Interstitial and Inner Earth beings choose to remain there in order to allow humans to attempt to successfully resolve their own confusion about the harmony of the Universe. Currently, it appears that this resolution may not happen before humankind damages Gaia (and their own minds) beyond a state of repair, so it is very likely that interventions will be needed. This is why [instead] we wish to educate humankind more deeply.

Many people wish strongly for the Pleiadians, Arcturians, Sirians, and other of the Galactic organizations to appear in order to “save” Gaia and her inhabitants. Unfortunately, this in itself is an indication of how degenerate humankind has become: Humankind has so little faith in its own fellows, that it believes it must be “saved” by others.

Our hope is, instead, that humankind should learn to heal herself.

This is a far less dramatic outcome, and Humans love drama. So it remains to be seen how conditions will transpire.
Humans also love “proof” and “credibility”. This is a perverse gift left with Humankind by the Orions; it is not a natural state. Such a state depends upon lack of telepathic and empathic communication. The more humanity is able to develop these natural abilities, the less power the Orions will have to control humanity.

However, at the moment, we find ourselves in the midst of this situation which begs for help [printed] and intervention. Obvious, visible, tangible intervention is not actually required. But if the appearance of benevolent beings arriving to rescue humankind will provide a more believable solution to the current situation, this can easily be manifested.

3) In the Hollow Earth Live reptilians or only in the caves in Earth crust?

We believe this has been answered above; please let Us know if you have more questions.

4) they can tell the exact date of the destruction of Atlantis -
whether it was associated with the approach of the giant planet

As explained above, exact dates are difficult to give. However, We can say that the destruction of Atlantis occurred at approximately the same time (shortly after) as the simultaneous impacts of several meteors. One of these meteors was the one that formed the Manicouagan Crater in Canada. Wikipedia (English) has articles which explain this in more detail and gives the names and locations of the other meteors.

Please note that the Wikipedia article dates the Manicouagan impact at +/- 214 million years ago. We would say that the date was more accurately 8,789,012 solar orbits ago. However, as you will see below, artifacts may be found from the same “time period”, and archaeologists would date these artifacts to be from 30,000-50,000 years ago. We understand that this is confusing and appears to be contradictory. However, much of what Humankind considers factual, and based upon science or deductive reasoning, does not account for dimensional shifts which often take place in order to reset Gaia’s conditions. We apologize that We cannot offer a more linear explanation at this time.

The tragedy of Atlantis’ destruction is that her astronomers knew for centuries of this impending disaster, and they knew where to relocate in order to protect her people, but failed to take action. Similar events [swim] are likely to unfold soon in California, New York, Turkey, Hawaii and Northern China.

Nibiru will play a role in this, in that her approach will cause of deep disturbances in Gaia, but again, any tragedy will lie in the lack of preparation. Galactic forces will be able to alleviate some of the effects. These disturbances will also affect the Interstitial Regions of Gaia, because they will be more susceptible to upheaval. The inhabitants of Inner Earth have been making adjustments and attempting to educate and help those who reside in the Interstitial Regions and on the Surface. This is one of the reasons We are hoping to reach as many people as possible, with the understanding that there are many ways to cope with situations which may arise in the future.

It is not entirely necessary to relocate people in order to avert disaster. The creative power of the mind has the ability to work with Gaia in protection. This has already happened recently: in Mexico City, Hawaii, and six other regions within the past month.
This is an illustration of how powerful it can be for the human mind to overcome fear and a sense of separation.

5) when ended the last war on earth and who those participated in her (i mean non modern humans wars)?

We believe you may be referring to the war involving flying ships and Atlanteans (note from Leslee: I am not familiar with this, although I see there are some resources on the internet. I will try to convey the answers clearly, and will read more about this later…) This war did take place around the time of the fall of Atlantis. It was not intended to be a war, as the ships from Inner Earth were attempting to offer to relocate people safely. This was misunderstood as an attempted invasion.

We can tell you that this occurred much longer ago than 11,500 years. Roughly speaking, it occurred at the same time as other events which humankind dates to about 30,000-50,000 years ago. Again, “time” is very distorted here. In some ways, it was very long ago, and in some ways it was very recent.

6) When there was a war between Rama Empire (RAM-RAJ) and Atlantis
empire - the exact date?

This occurred at the same time as the war in question 5.

7) Is fought Atlantis against Lemuria?

No, Lemuria fell 20,000-27,000 years before Atlantis “fought” the “Ram-Raj Empire” and the Telosians (please see answer to questions 5 above). So this would be about 50,000-70,000 modern years ago. However, it would be the equivalent of 32,564 orbits around the Sun. The 50,000-70,000 years is based on time as described by your current human timepieces. The rate of Gaia’s orbit around the Sun has changed since then.

8) Is planet Nibiru - is a old giant planet Tiamat (which is a result
of the war) has shifted from their orbits? or battle space station ?

They are the same, Nibiru and Tiamat. She is a fabricated planet, you might call her a “space ship”, but she is not a “battle ship”. She was manifested by a group of beings who wished to form an environment which was free from the influence of the Orions. Because her orbit is mostly far outside of the orbits of the other planets in this solar system, she is able to travel beyond the influence of the Orions. Within this solar system, the Orions prefer to stay within the orbits of the planets, and at these distances and oscillations they can have influence over their drones. As Nibiru leaves that influence, the Orion telepathic connections may be more easily broken. The Drones become incapacitated, and any Orions without telmusets on the Nibiru can become more easily influenced to modify their minds to harmonize with the rest of the community.

Nibiru’s orbit nears the Sun so that wandering Earthlings can be reminded of their fragility. Everything can be regenerated; nothing is truly lost; there is no real beginning and end.

The space debris which is believed to be the remnants of planets (such as Tiamat) is actually shards from Nibiru. Her exterior is designed to look like a planet or asteroid, and is very thick. She can easily shed and rebuild layers.

9) when was last world flood ? - the exact date?

If you mean the last time that the Surface of Gaia was completely covered in water, that would be 25,789 solar orbits in your past. This flood did not affect Inner Earth, but it did inundate portions of the Interstitial Regions. The first land reappeared 25,790 orbits ago, and the surface had been covered with water for 4,289 solar orbits. The inundation began with the meteor impact that destroyed Atlantis.

10) What the inhabitants of the Hollow Earth can say about the Sirius,
Orion and the Pleiades,
and also about the galactic federation and confederation ?

(Please see the explanations at the beginning.)

11) What the inhabitants of the Hollow Earth can say about the
inhabitants of the Hollow Venus and Hollow Ganymede ?

Within this solar system, Gaia’s moon, Ganymede, Io, Venus, Mars, Nibiru, Saturn, and the Sun all have inhabitants. Some are on dimensions that cannot be perceived by humans. Their attributes are very similar to those we have discussed already. All beings are capable of manifesting with minds that have discordant vibrational frequencies which may lead to fear and sense of separation. All beings are also capable of manifesting Fully Enlightened Minds. The appearances of beings in Dimensions 1 through 8 allow for interaction, which may result in communion or conflict. The “game” is to navigate the lower-dimensional appearances in such a way as to elevate from dimension to dimension: exactly as in video games.

12) Hollow Earth Inhabitants - friends with "gray" and reptilians Sauri
(Sheti)-descendants of Earth dinosaurs?

(Please let us know if you need more explanation that what is given previously.)

13) And the last question - they can tell who is the ancestors of the
Slavs-makers - which is or was a Slavic god (or alien) Svarog. From
where they,name of the star, and name of the star cluster ?

(Please let us know if you need more explanation that what is given previously.)

14) And why so much evil on the earth- evil which unpunished doeth
even more evil?

“Evil” exists upon and within Gaia because her inhabitants believe they must rely upon fear and separation for “survival”.

Many humans still follow the training of the Orions. In this way, humankind is encouraged to abandoned intuition, empathy, compassion, telepathy, telekinesis, the indestructibility of the mind, and the understanding of how all are connected.

Punishment simply delays and prolongs thoughts and actions which further separate and instill fear. Re-education and containment are more productive methods of dealing with those who harm others.

The Orion education is very clever. Separation fosters forgetfulness. Forgetfulness leads humans to believe that there is only one lifetime, and that it must be preserved, even at the cost of the happiness of others.

Video games (especially First-Person-Shooters) were initially inspired by Orions to sharpen the sense of competition and separation. However, this intention is balanced by the automatic regeneration of a new life after each death or defeat. If people would consider the video game as a model for real life, and focus on the aspect of impermanence, they might reach a deeper understanding of the true nature of life upon Gaia.

We do not at all intend to promote violence; We merely wish to explain that there is much more to consider than just this one lifetime. The effects of actions reverberate throughout the Universe and lifetimes, until resolution is reached. This may take aeons for one individual to accomplish. While the mistaken continue to commit harmful acts out of confusion, many more are making profound and rapid progress.

In times like these, when the world seems to polarize into good and evil, the appearance of evil beings and actions strain the energetic balance of Gaia.

For Gaia to remain in equilibrium, as many people as possible are needed to remember their mental abilities to create peace and unity. Visualizations of containing evil and suppressing it are far more effective than visualizations of fighting fire with fire.

Visualizations of worlds filled with harmony and peaceful communion - such as may be found in Telos/Inner Earth - are even more profound and powerful.

Humanity is in the midst of re-learning to create, and the focus of intention will determine the outcome.

Gaia will attain equilibrium. She understands innately the nature of her abilities and inhabitants. Since all beings are guests of Gaia, She is free to welcome or refuse hospitality to anyone, according to their intentions. At the moment, all inhabitants are visitors, and the visas are about to expire.

This round of the game is near its conclusion. Please trust that the law of Karma will balance all actions, even though some reckonings and recognitions may appear to be delayed.

We welcome any additional questions or requests for clarification.

With Love and Light,

Добавлено (26.03.2012, 13:13)
если у кого есть вопросы задавайте (только не много) и по существу
я напишу также ещё вопросы и добавлю ваши...

Сообщение отредактировал vlad9vt - Понедельник, 26.03.2012, 01:37
marinaДата: Понедельник, 26.03.2012, 13:37 | Сообщение # 250
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vlad9vt, все конкретно и по существу. А не думал ты над тем, что "некто" имеет технологию по перемещению во времени и в пространстве. И что он целенаправлено смешивает все. В одном временном пласте находят и диназавров и людей и скелеты огромных титанов. Манипуляции с геномом человека и игры со временем привели к тому, что мы сейчас не можем выстроить логической цепочки понятной нам по развертыванию событий на планете.

У человека и обезьяны нет предков на земле!

За политическими новостями, криминальной хроникой и климатическими перепадами мы как-то не обращаем внимания на потрясающие научные сенсации. А зря! В минувшую среду, 21 марта, в Институте проблем экологии и эволюции имени А. Н. Северцова Российской академии наук на очередном заседании Межведомственной группы по исследованию популяций под председательством доктора биологических наук Ариадны Филипповны Назаровой в течение четырёх часов обсуждались именно сенсации.
Научным обозревателям, которые, безусловно, будут использовать или клонировать эту информацию, сразу же предлагаю несколько вариантов названий: «Инопланетное происхождение человечества», «Эволюция человека? Нет, инволюция!», «Российские учёные против Чарлза Дарвина».
Короче говоря, человек точно не происходит от обезьяны. И действительно, у человека и обезьяны на земле не обнаружено таких предков, которые бы подтверждали эволюционную теорию Дарвина.
Вернёмся на само заседание в признанный во всём мире Институт Российской академии наук. Там было сделано два объёмных доклада.
С первым докладом выступил доктор биологических наук Александр Белов.
Со вторым – академик Российской академии естественных наук Андрей Тюняев.
Доклад Александра Белова был посвящён обсуждению новых археологических находок. Из обсуждения следовало, что становление человека, или формирование человека, шло отнюдь не по дарвинскому пути, то есть – из обезьяны в человека, а в обратном порядке. Говоря проще, обезьяны могут являться результатом деградации человека.
Второй вариант – обезьяны и человек могут быть независимыми биологическими ветвями, никак не связанными между собой.
Такие выводы сам Белов сделал на основе изучения ископаемых образцов челюстей, отдельных зубов, черепов, а также других костей.
Доклад Андрея Тюняева был посвящён проблемам африканской теории происхождения человека и готовился совместно с профессором Гарвардского университета Анатолием Клёсовым.
В докладе было убедительно показано, что на основании более тщательного изучения старых данных и новых массивов баз данных картина расселения человека по территории поверхности земли приняла другой вид, в котором африканские популяции человека генетически не являются предками остальных людей на земле.
Тогда чем же они являются? Всего лишь боковой ветвью, ушедшей 130 тысяч лет назад с территории нынешней Русской равнины и Восточной Европы.
Именно главная популяция, которая была на территории Русской равнины, предшествовала современному европеоидному человеку.
Андрей Тюняев доказывает, что, с его позиции, развитие человека тоже выглядит как деградационный процесс, при котором, чем дальше исторически человек оказывался от Русской равнины, тем больше деградировал.
И, с точки зрения генетики, трансформации скелетов и изменения цвета кожи являются закономерным результатом деградационных процессов.
Итак, четырёхчасовое заседание в результате было сцементировано одной общей темой – происхождением человека.
Общее мнение – вопрос первоначального появления человека на земле остаётся достаточно тёмным. И в связи с этим нельзя отметать даже такую экзотическую версию, как появление человека на земле из космоса.
В пользу этой последней версии свидетельствуют хотя бы два факта.
Первый. Фактически у современного человека так и не обнаружено древних биологических предшественников.
Второй. Даже самые древние находки свидетельствуют о прямохождении человека, о том, что пальцы на ногах у него были не отставленные, как у обезьян. А главное, в геноме человека не обнаружено генетических маркеров древнее 260 тысяч лет.
Зато в пользу инволюционной, или деградационной, теории свидетельствует не только изменение внешнего облика, но и строение костей.
Деградация хорошо заметна на примере австралийских аборигенов.
По данным, антропологии и генетики, современный человек пришёл в Австралию примерно сорок тысяч лет назад. Находки, датированные тем возрастом, гораздо более прогрессивны по своему строению, чем показатели нынешних аборигенов этого материка.
Если древние черепа имеют толщину всего полсантиметра, то у современных аборигенов Австралии черепная кость достигает полутора сантиметров и при этом отличается гораздо более примитивным строением, что, естественно, свидетельствует о деградации системы формирования черепа.
На заседании в Институте проблем экологии и эволюции имени А. Н. Северцова Российской академии наук были специалисты разных отраслей. Доктора биологических наук, медицинских, ведущие специалисты системного анализа и другие. И все, что называется, сошлись во мнении: докладчики, скорее всего, правы.
[size=14]Так что, мы с вами, уважаемые друзья, потомки древних космонавтов, астронавтов, пришельцев. Или богов – это кому как нравится.
Вопрос только в том, откуда, когда и в связи с чем они прибыли на эту удивительную планету, которую мы именуем Землёй.[/size]

Но это пока неисчерпаемая тема для писателей-фантастов.
НачалМенятьсяДата: Понедельник, 26.03.2012, 13:53 | Сообщение # 251
Сообщений: 199
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Кто такая Teo'Na какую цивилизацию она представляет?

"This is one of the reasons We are hoping to reach as many people as possible, with the understanding that there are many ways to cope with situations which may arise in the future. "

То есть спасти людей?

Насчет Арктурианцев их внешний вид, это информация совпадает с моей информации, от разговора с Арктурианцем.

Сообщение отредактировал НачалМеняться - Понедельник, 26.03.2012, 14:54
vlad9vtДата: Суббота, 31.03.2012, 16:24 | Сообщение # 252
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я задал ещё вопросы -послушаем что ответят
есть не стыковка в датах .
Кто такая Teo'Na какую цивилизацию она представляет?

похоже что обитателей полой земли
А не думал ты над тем, что "некто" имеет технологию по перемещению во времени и в пространстве. И что он целенаправлено смешивает все. В одном временном пласте находят и диназавров и людей и скелеты огромных титанов. Манипуляции с геномом человека и игры со временем привели к тому, что мы сейчас не можем выстроить логической цепочки понятной нам по развертыванию событий на планете.

думал и пришёл к выводу если бы вдруг кто-то из нашего будующего решил бы вдруг вернутся во времени назад - на миллиарды лет . То тут в нашем настоящем мы должны бы были видеть его следы. Или к примеру если бы я вдруг в будующем моём вдруг бы захотел бы вернутся назад во времени - то я в своём настоящем мог бы увидеть следы будущего меня в прошлом -здесь в настоящем.
И что бы я - и прочие другие там бы не делали - эти следы должны быть видны в настоящем здесь и сейчас

Добавлено (27.03.2012, 01:46)
по поводу временного парадокса(встретить самого себя и изменить своё будущее) -я пока думаю - можно было бы каждую секунду возвращаться назад и забрать с собой миллиарды меня в будующее.
я пока думаю над этим вопросом -думаю что скорей всего это невозможно и как-то регулируется
так бы можно было бы создавать(собирать) многомиллиардные -триллионные армии и кораблей и воинов . Но думаю это невозможно.
Пока думаю над этим

Добавлено (27.03.2012, 01:48)
но думаю что путешествия во времени в обе стороны возможны -считайте что это реальный факт

Добавлено (29.03.2012, 16:34)
кто связан с другими мирами - сообщите (спросите у них) дату начала ледникового периода и дату окончания ледникового периода
и дату смены магнитных полюсов на земле и дату всемирного потопа ?

Хочу сверить информацию

Добавлено (30.03.2012, 16:30)
Древние астронавты и инопланетяне
часть 2-я smile

Добавлено (30.03.2012, 23:27)
Думаю эти инопланетяне с Сириуса (Империи сириуса ASA-RRR = АСУРЫ)
Там же и Асур Майя по индийской мифологии....

я думаю это так на - 99.99999999999999%

Добавлено (31.03.2012, 16:24)
А Нибиру - это повреждённая Тиамат - которая изменила орбиту своего движения и вращается во встречном направлении к движению планет
Там вокруг неё и спутники есть

Сообщение отредактировал vlad9vt - Вторник, 27.03.2012, 01:49
glavspamДата: Воскресенье, 01.04.2012, 10:57 | Сообщение # 253
Сообщений: 1
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В этом разделе: Collection of padre Crespi Carlo Croci (Ecuador), and other artifacts.. вместо первого видео, третье видео про Аннунаков
vlad9vtДата: Воскресенье, 08.04.2012, 14:44 | Сообщение # 254
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В этом разделе: Collection of padre Crespi Carlo Croci (Ecuador), and other artifacts.. вместо первого видео, третье видео про Аннунаков

в третьем видео про падре Креспи

и по поводу Ануннаков -возможно это собирательное имя - в которое под одну гребенку приписали всех
не факт что они рептилии (или часть не рептилии)
не факт что они плохие (все плохими быть не могут . как и хорошими все быть не могут)
не факт что там есть плохие (по идее там создатели жизни - хотя некоторые их создания - те что на табличках шумерских - чудовищны)
и возможно реальные плохие именуются совсем по другому
трудно во всём этом разобраться ......

Добавлено (06.04.2012, 20:50)
Aliens from Sirius , artifacts from Guatemala , footprint from Africa

Добавлено (06.04.2012, 20:56)
похоже что со статуями с острова пасхи разобрался
Эти нефилимы связаны с Сириусянами . Сириусяне или их создали или их родители .
Или они сами после многих перерождений в земной гравитации и земных условиях.
Но нефилимы с ними тесно переплетены (они родственники фактически)
У Сириусян необычайно длинные шеи, большие глаза, и вытянутые головы.
Они преодолели 9 световых лет чтоб попасть в солнечную систему

Добавлено (08.04.2012, 14:16)
вот ещё информация из другого источника
These are the days of my life. I am Enki, Lord of the seas, of the Earth. I was brought here by command from my father Anu from the planetoid we call Nibiru which is now our home world because ours was destroyed. We destroyed our own world through misuse, greed, selfishness, wars and fighting. Just as your world is now being torn apart by you, from our poor example.

Before I give you this history of whence you came and how you were created, of your true history that has been hidden by others through their selfishness and greed, may these words bring comfort to your souls, guidance to your hearts and mind's. That perhaps some of you may be awakened and saved and guided whether in death or life it matters not. But perhaps it may save you in the future from further grief in your soul. I cannot tell. That will be your choice. So I shall begin with my life and tell you how I came to Earth and for what purpose.

In the beginning, my father Anu and mother Antu gave birth to me the first born son of the Great Anu. It brought them great Joy and Light. Antu is not the official wife of Anu. Kia, K.I.A., was his official first wife. She later brought forth a son named Enlil. And thus began a long war between the two brothers who thought they should rule.

It was organized by those who ruled along with my father, who are what you would call congressmen or presidents, that the first born son of the official wife should rule Nibiru after the father. Because he was born after me, I in my selfishness was jealous and caused a lot of pain and suffering. I fought with my brother. I became angry with him even though it was not his fault. So I was sent to Earth. We had heard that there was much gold here from Alalu.

Alalu used to be king and was disposed by my father because he was not a good king. He was selfish and cruel. So he was disposed and sent away. Along his travels he found Earth and found there was much gold there. Gold is used not for money but as a healing thing for the universe; to protect the atmosphere of many worlds. We were losing our atmosphere from several volcanoes that we had on our planet and different things that had come about over time and this gold protected our world as we traveled through space.

Alalu thought he could work his way back into the hearts of the people by saving us by giving us this gold. This did not work to his advantage. I saw through him. I came to Earth to check out the situation. And thus I was given this planet to rule as a means of trying to salvage this war I started with Enlil and somewhat I was appeased. This was a beautiful Earth with clear water, clear air, and much diversity of mountains and rivers and streams.

I came here in what you would call 452,000 years ago. At that time, I came with about 200 of my fellow men. They were scientists. We had tested the waters for gold. We did find gold in the waters, although it was not in great abundance as we had hoped. But we did know that there was gold beneath the land and we would have to mine it. Therefore, we went back to Nibiru and reported that which we found. A contingent was decided upon and we brought about 200,000 of our fellow workers with us. These men were contractors, builders, and scientists as well.

We searched the lands and found most of the abundance of gold that best sought our needs was in what you call Africa along the southern tip. We do have still some remains of those mines being used even today. Although we mined most of the main seams out, there were still some pockets here and there that you are mining today. You will also find the remains of the first men we created as slaves. This is to my sorrow and the breaking of my heart that I created them for this. And that karma I am still working off of today.

The labor was hard and we started to complain. We were lonely for our wives, for our children, and for our Loved ones. Being away, even though this planet was beautiful and afforded us some comfort, we still missed home and our Loved ones very much. Therefore, we sent a contingent back to Nibiru to report with our first few shiploads of gold. This helped them greatly in their atmosphere and provided them some comfort.

It was decided that we would bring families and loved ones here and make this what you would call pioneer days, pioneering. I'm not sure that's the correct word, but that we would make it a settlement of families to bring us comfort in our long work days.

This is to our sorrow as well. Our bodies are not made the same as humans. Our bodies were changing because of the conditions of the Earth. This brought us sickness. Many of our children died in the first year we were here. Our years are longer than yours. Our years are about 1,300 to 2,600 depending on the cycles. Some years are longer and some shorter but because these days were shortened for us here on Earth, it brought us diseases we did not have any knowledge of. We lost many children in the first years we were here.

Though we did bring our doctors and scientists, they in turn, over time, were able to discover the causes of these diseases and heal them. They figured out a way of taking gold in a higher white form that helped us to live longer. Although later on we found out it was addicting and ended up injuring our souls in the long run. But for the time being it was the answer to the problems we discovered being on Earth.

After a time I suggested we create someone to help us with the hard work. We thought it would be better for us. We found a creature you call Neanderthal who had DNA that was closely assigned to us. We thought that it would be a good idea to mix the DNA of us and them to create a worker; someone that would be strong, easy to rule over, and teach. We tried many things. At first, it did not work very well. We came out with beings that were gross, ugly, and deformed. My brother Enlil decided to come from Nibiru and see what I was doing. He had a good knowledge of genetics as well. And even though I was angry that he came, because it was my world, he did bring good knowledge with him and helped us with the genetics. He helped us greatly and was able to figure out a way that we could create a form that would not be as ugly and deformed. We used my DNA because it has a higher form than his. My mother Antu is from the Orion system. She has the blue blood that is needed. Her type of blood has copper that helps for healthier bodies with humans, with the Neanderthals.

We used my sister Ninharsag as the incubator. She is a scientist and medical officer. She was amongst the first force to come with me. She had much to do with the creation of the humans as well. There are many scientists that were in the group who also put forth their efforts and assisted. So it was not just me and my sister. It was many ideas and many thoughts and tests that went over a long period of time before we were able to accomplish the perfect Being.

We called it human. HU after The Great Creator God, Creator of All Things. It is a name we give HIM. And MAN for the human form and the Neanderthal. And thus we get the Human. We finally created the perfect form. These turned out to be good workers. They were easy to please, easy to feed, and easy to command. They were simple minded. We discovered that they could not reproduce themselves. We had to keep reproducing them ourselves. I got the bright idea, which my family was not very happy with, to give them a part of me or a part of my mother actually. In the bloodline and in the blood was the ability to reproduce. This was done genetically and we did find great success with them after a time. But in approximately 8000 BC we finally perfected it enough where what you call the Adam and Eve were first able to reproduce themselves.

All this work was done in what we call Enkidu and you call Sumeria. We had scientific labs there which the great flood did destroy. I will continue with the story of mankind this time. We were so successful in their procreation that they multiplied so quickly that we were unable to keep count. It was a little overwhelming. But they were great workers and they helped us much in the obtaining of gold. There came a time when we decided to teach them the arts. We figured that they could bring comfort to us in other ways besides mining. We taught them husbandry, farming, building. We were rather selfish in using them in such a manner. We got quite lazy in our ways and elevated ourselves above our station. We began to think that we were gods when in fact we were not. And this brought great trials in the future of that time.

The humans were quite easy to teach and learned many things. And thus began what you called civilization. What you call Sumeria at the time. There was a period which was over several thousands and thousands of years that Enlil came to be quite jealous of the success I was having. He did not like the humans. He believed they should be kept as simple servants. He decided they should be destroyed from off the Earth and that we should find another way to mine the gold. I did not wish that. My heart was for these beings and I counted them as my children in a way.

They were my creations. Although I was rather selfish in this desire as I did Love my pleasures. I did Love them. I had children by some. I thought this was to improve their DNA as well as their daughters had great beauty and joy. Nibiru was passing by and this was the cause at certain times of difficulties. We knew ahead of time that the Earth was going to be heated and that the ice and different things in different locations may cause flooding.

When Enlil saw this he told me not to let the people know. But I argued that they should be foretold. Without his knowing I told one of my sons, that was from a connection with a human wife, that he should build an arc, a boat, a ship. Build it in a certain kind of form that would protect him and his family and would take him to the mountains until the water would recede. This person you call Noah existed about 6000 BC. This was the time of the great flood, although there were many floods, but never one as devastating as this.

We like sheep fled the world in our ships and stood above the Earth in them and watched. This brought great negative Karma to our souls. As we should have been protectors of those we created and leaders and guides for them spiritually, we were not. We were selfish and greedy and thus brought trials to our souls which we have to work off of still even today.

It was a good lesson for us also for we had never seen such carnage. There was such destruction that it broke out hearts and taught us that we should be more giving and caring to others less fortunate than ourselves. I was glad in my heart that I protected the man you call Noah and thus we were able to reseed the Earth for him and his descendants.

Enlil was enraged. But over time we were able to talk him into accepting the fact that these Beings needed a life. And that they deserved our guidance and Love and council. If we are going to ascend they have to Ascend. That is their purpose. They are our teachers; as this eternity rolls on in the different worlds, we all to learn to Love, to Give, and to not be so greedy and selfish; still, many lessons to learn in times such as Atlantis. Our descendants had to learn the same lessons we just did for they destroyed their world as well as Lemuria and many other places on the Earth. For they misused the knowledge and technology we gave them. And these lessons are for this world and many worlds to come.

Chapter Two

A discourse on your DNA and why it is so. There are 39 species from the Orion system, Sirius, and the Pleiades which are all from the same system which includes your Earth as well your Solar System. These 39 contributed to your DNA. But we selected only those of the highest spiritual quality. It was a grand experiment. And even though we physically used you as slaves, it was your DNA that was the makeup of these things. Your soul was placed within you from The Creator, not us.
And thus we played god by organizing your physical DNA and we were not supposed to; although there was a purpose for it which we found afterward and we suffered for our part. But, we learned from it as well. So it was not so much a curse but a learning tool for our species.

To become as the Father, to become creators, to learn how to Love is the main purpose of any soul to be put into a physical body. Thus you began your lives in a third dimensional world and this will give you the opportunity to gain knowledge and grow and become at a level where we are eventually. The grand experiment was such a success that you will surpass even us. From your spiritual growth you have grown much quicker. Many of you who are born on Earth in their first physical life have also finished their soul growth on this same world and will go forward and will be doing what we have been doing on new worlds and creating new life. And that was the great experiment.

The fact that souls can grow quicker and learn faster and thus achieve perfection better, be wiser with more Love and more Light, have less darkness and pain and less sorrow than we have suffered with. This will bring a healing not only to your world and to your solar system but to other worlds and other solar systems and other galaxies as well. This great Light and Love that you have will grow and expand and bring joy and comfort to many. And thus it was a success.

Many of your blood types are from the different worlds. Those that have O positive and negative are from Sirius. Those who have A or AB are from Orion. Those who have a B negative are from the Pleiades. Those of B positive are from the Orion Betelquese area. There are many things about your DNA that they have not discovered yet. It will be coming forth soon. You have two chains of DNA which shall be and is increasing to twelve.

Some of the Extraterrestrial visitors in the past took this away from you and it shall be returned. It was done for a purpose, a testing to see how you would be and how things would change. Many times in the past we have left you entirely on your own to see what would occur and what would happen. Although we did not contact you for a while, we have also visited and kept you in our sight. And that is your DNA.

Your DNA is not like any other. About 90% of your DNA is now starting to awaken. Your unused, what you call your junk DNA, is in fact your enlightened DNA that was shut off for awhile so that you could grow and learn from your selves and your mistakes. And now the time has come for the world to ascend and for you to ascend and this will awaken. This DNA has the knowledge in it you will need to ascend. This will increase until you reach twelve strands. When you fully ascend you will have all twelve DNA strands intact and fully lit up.

This awakening and increase of your DNA is caused by the alignment of the great suns and the great vortex and influx of higher vibration rates. Your solar system is passing through the ecliptic plane is also a part of it. I will continue with our history, with what has happened. We created many wars with mankind. Enlil came to Earth to help with the gold mining. He felt I was inefficient in what I was doing and this made me very angry. After all the hard labor and trials we went through! We ended up using those we taught the arts of gardening and other technology for warfare. This was selfish causing many deaths amongst the humans. It brought forth diseases and suffering and I am ashamed of myself for this part.

This is what you would call in history the Pharaoh Wars. Our descendents continued the wars that we started. This is part of the wars you call WWI and WWII and many other wars. It must stop! Those things that are of a religious nature are not created for men to war over but to bring unity to mankind; although Enlil caused great strife in placing lies about the world after who the true God should be, or who the leaders should be, or this or that. This caused mankind to question who is really God, who are the real rulers of the Earth, to be selfish in their desires to rule the world themselves. Oh! -- I am a descendant of Enlil or I am a descendant of Enki! This has caused so much grief and many wars. This must be settled now. The wars are to end. Disease is to end.

This world is to ascend and mankind are to ascend and those who go on in this manner (meaning those who wish to continue to war and be selfish and rule the world themselves!) will have to die a physical death and reincarnate in another third dimensional world so they can continue their learning process. Learn to Love and be at peace with one another.

And this is why we have chosen at this time to return to the Earth in its fullness. There will be mass sightings of us. There will be an end to the wars, to the untruths, to the lies that your government has told you these many years, and to the destruction. No more nuclear wars or weapons. There will be an end to this finally! For this cannot come to pass. Nor can it go into the universe or into the solar system. It must end here on this world.

In this third dimensional world, no more nuclear weapons, no more weapons that can kill millions of people. This must be put to an end. Unfortunately, this was a lot of my doing. I continued the argument I began on Nibiru with my brother Enlil onto this planet. It continued through my descendants. And therefore, I beg forgiveness for the selfishness and the greed. And I have been working off this negative karma with the Galactic Federation now for a long time. They will help you in the future. It is for this reason that I have come back as many different rulers, teachers and leaders. In whatever names you have called me, especially as Jesus Christ. I came to help teach Love and forgiveness to my descendants and too many who are listening all over the universe and the galaxy.

I use myself as an example of what I should have been which is a Love Light to others. And I promise to continue to work in the future to bring a healing to many other worlds who, through my wickedness and the wickedness of many other species have become overrun with darkness and are in need of a healing and the Love Light from The Creator. And this is such a good opportunity for me at this time. I give thanks that I am able to give thanks and share this story with you.

That I pray again for your forgiveness and I will be returning soon as Jesus Christ. I return in the capacity of bringing Love, Light, forgiveness and healing to the world. I will share with you that the records made during the time of my life as Jesus Christ are mostly correct. Though there are many things hidden, it was planned that way from the beginning. It was to see if you would grow on your own and what you would do.

These records will come forth now with the truth and the fullness as well as this message, that all the secret libraries will be thrown open and that the truth may be known in its fullness. You will be able to read on your own those things that were incorrect or told to you that were lies. These lies will be erased from your minds so only the truth will be known.

I am sorry that these things have come to you in such a late manner for the world is throwing off her yoke and she is getting ready for her Ascension. Many trying times will be coming for those around the world. Those souls who pass on from their physical bodies, who die, will in fact receive their healing and Ascension in the fourth dimension. There will be a great joining of both dimensions. Those who ascend and those who pass on into the spirit world will join together. There will be a great family meeting and reunion which will take place soon. There will be a great healing of many hearts and many souls at that time.

Here me, Oh World! These are my words! I, Enki, am Jesus Christ. I still exist. I am here and I shall return shortly. I will not appear as you expect me to and have spoken of this before. But I shall appear in my ship. And I shall return as I once was, as Enki. That you may know that it is me and not as the different religions portray. For this is incorrect. My heart and Love go with you. This time is a time of great enlightenment. A time of feeling the Great Love of Our Creator; The Great Creator Of All things; All That Is. The Father of your spirit and souls shall pour down upon this world and fill it with Light and Love. I know the times seem disastrous. Calamities which come upon you seem hard to imagine. Death is but a changing, a birthing of our true self. The knowledge to come forth of these times, past times, and future shall bring you the truth of all things.

Chapter Three

The wars and calamities that have come upon you in the past were of our creation. We used our slaves to fight our wars for us. We used you as pawns in a game of chess as you know it today. This was wrong. We were selfish. These wars will now end. I know many hearts are concerned with these things and this is why I speak of them at this time. As you have spoken of what some term The Rapture or the Second Coming of Jesus Christ, so it shall be. I shall put an end to all war, nuclear weapons, and weapons of mass destruction. These things will not be permitted to go into the solar system. For that which is coming is a time of great healing, a time of Love and Light. And war shall not exist any more.

The hearts, not only on this world but many worlds of your solar system and further out into the galaxies, will be healed. So this time is a time of great joy and looking forward to with hope and happiness. And even though many of you shall pass away in the physical form, yet your hearts will know that you still exist; that death is not an end but a beginning of your true self. It is a continuing of your journey and of your learning to Love, to share with one another, and these things will be so. Therefore, I bring these words of comfort for you at this time. It is a time of your greatest trials yet to come. But know that there is hope and light and love waiting, not just death and destruction.

There are those in places of leadership wishing to rule over you. They have put fear into the hearts of man in order to control them. So do not listen to them for their time is at an end. And even though it seems destructive and chaotic, their time now shall end and the truth shall be known. I, my brothers and sisters, and many others from other worlds that have created you are returning. Their DNA is in you. They have great Love and Light to bring and healing and knowledge as well. So you will know your true self. All you're DNA -where it came from, who you really are, why you're here, and where you come from. That should bring great comfort to you. Not only that, all the great libraries that have been hidden upon the world shall be opened and that knowledge shall be had by you also.

I shall continue with your history, the history of Egypt. This was my world. Egypt was built in the year 10,200 BC. It was the time the great pyramid was built. Already there were small farming villages. The Sumerian culture had already been in existence for several thousands of years. This was prior to the great flood.

The pyramids are to assist with Ascension. There are many things inside them that have to come forth yet. They are machines. They will be turned on and will help with the ascension process which is to occur. They are also in tune with other special sites around the Earth. That which you call ley lines or the grid lines of the Earth were set up in the beginning. These special grids and sites create your time frame in the pattern of life, the existence. The entire grid will be Lighting up and the sacred sites will be coming forth. The whole Earth will Light up and ascend.

It will be a glorious time full of knowledge and Love. All souls will feel this Love and this Light. It will be a time of great excitement and change. Yes, there will be some concerns, but also the souls will know of the excitement of meeting families past, present and future, of togetherness.

The Pharaoh's were our creation. We decided to try to leave you on your own for a while to see how you would go. We chose those beings that had the most gifted bloodlines, the most spiritual DNA. We created what were called Pharaoh's and Kings to be rulers and teachers to guide the people and to teach them our ways. But over time our descendants fought over those who would rule. They became selfish and greedy as we did. We did not set the perfect example as we should have, and thus the Pharaoh's wars began. Many deaths, diseases, and trials came upon the people because of these things.

Atlantis fell because of these things. I know these things seem grievous but they are a learning and a schooling of the soul. There were many Pharaoh's that were good and many that were not so good. But they did teach the people our ways, our history, and many things that were good. They taught medicine, agriculture, and building. Teachings that we had taught our children continue on the Earth today. Many technologies that are more advanced will be returning so that you can build things that are more harmonious with the Earth. Medicine will come forth. Ancient teachings, ancient healing ways, ancient religious ways will return. A return to the One Creator is yet to come forth. Many Things are to change after the ascension, including Earth.

The ascended world will be a world of Light and Love, healing and teaching, and of great joy to those souls who ascend and who are ready for that. On their next journey, their souls will be in what you would call first grade. It will be like going to a new class. There is a higher standard of living and learning for their souls. Yet, this is not the end. It continues on from there in what you would call second grade and third grade, etc; for our souls are all on a journey as we continue to return to where Our Creator is. We are only ahead of you a short distance and you will be where we are now.

You have much joy and happiness to look forward to. Do not weep for those who pass away in their physical form for they are only behind you in their learning and on their journey. You will be turning around and helping them in theirs as well as other souls yet to be born. And you will learn how to create your own worlds and ensoul them. You will populate them with the physical forms for your children and grandchildren. It is a journey that we are all on. It is a journey of learning and growing. It is a journey of Love and Light.

We are sorry that we have left you so long on your own. It was for soul growth. And now that we have seen how much good you can do and also have seen how much harm you can do, we have chosen to return at this time and help you through the ascension process. We wish to help you with your soul growth and so there is no more to fear in this. In the history of your wars many lessons were learned. Although it seemed that many souls were considered evil, from these times their souls learned how to have compassion for the next life. They have seen the great horrors they have committed when they have passed on into the spirit world, between lives, and have looked back on the lessons and have felt great remorse. And thus they learned compassion in their hearts. These things are for teaching the soul on its soul journey.

There is no hate in the Heart of The Creator in these things. It is all for our learning and our soul's growth. Our Great Creator Of All Things is Light and Love and that is our goal as a soul. To be as He and She as well, for they are both together as One. The Creator is a balance of male and female energy that forms the Light of all things. If you could picture a big heart of great white Light beating with the highest unconditional Love in the center of all creation, that is the God, The Creator Of All Things. And that is what we yearn to return to and become ourselves.

Chapter Four

I will speak of the stars in the solar system and of your planetary creation. In the beginning was a void. There was no Light, there was no sound, just the heart beat. It was the breath of creation from The Creator. It is what you would call electromagnetism. And yet, it is not the same as what you think of on earth. It is different. It is lighter. It is spirit. It is soul. Therefore, all is soul.

And the soul went forth and said there is a void I wish to fill. This void was Love and Light and creation. The Great GOD of all souls breathed forth energy from his heart. He sent forth great Love and Light. It was like a wind; what you would picture a great wind. An exhaling of your breath throughout the cosmos and this creates action and reaction. And thus great suns are born through the fire of his breath of Light and Love. And from these great suns are born the worlds around them, just as your sun shall give birth to a new world. This is how worlds begin. This is how solar systems begin. And thus worlds come into Being and over time these worlds become habitable.

From their core, energies come forth and crusts are formed. The soil is formed. Seeds are taken from other planets by advanced Beings and brought forth so that plants can grow upon these new worlds. And thus plants, trees, and shrubbery are born to diversify the worlds. Then begin with the smallest creatures, those you call amoebas, these spring forth. We also bring forth animals from other worlds as well as create new ones through genetics. We do experimentations on these worlds as we have done with yours. And this is how you will also do it in the future. And thus you will go forth as creators and create your own worlds. And plant them with plants and animals of your own choices to see how it will be and so you see how it is done.
It will be your school and your children shall ensoul them as being of your creation through your own genetics. And thus you shall learn and grow and become like us. We shall move on and you shall move on and that is how the Ascension is in the future as well. It will be just an increase of the knowledge and of the Light and of the vibration level in your Being. And thus the worlds roll on forever and ever, always beginning and growing, for there is infinity. And yes, there are great voids out there ever expanding and never ending.

Many have concerns about the sun exploding. There is much radiation coming forth from the sun at this time and that is because it is getting ready to give birth. And yes, there will be radiation on the Earth. Different factors from the solar system, galaxy, and universe are also contributing to the changes on Earth. Time as you know it is speeding up and will change. Most souls will have changed over by this time. There are those who will pass away and continue their journey to other worlds and experiences. There will be some who have stayed behind physically. There are some from the governments and militaries who will hide beneath the earth. There are some of the ancient ones with knowledge of ancient caves from previous civilizations that will stay. This is their choice and destiny. The ancient ones have chosen to come forth afterwards and help renew the new third dimensional world.

They will bring forth the knowledge they have hidden there in previous lives in the form of ancient records. Many of the Hopi will do so. Many of the Mayan and Peruvians who have knowledge of these caves that are still hidden from the world will do so. They will return there and protect themselves from the radiation. They will come forth again to help bring forth the New Earth. They will bring forth seeds and animals; their knowledge of genetics as well. They will help recreate the third dimensional world for those who are to return there.

Know that there will be at the Ascension of Earth, a splitting apart of dimensions. There will be a New Earth of a third dimensional frequency and vibration and the ascended Earth of the higher vibrational frequency. It is like a birthing process for the Earth and those elements of the Earth, that you live on now, that are to ascend will ascend with her spirit as well and a new spirit shall enter into the new third dimensional Earth and it will be a New Earth. It will be given a new name and it will be a totally New World.

I will speak more of the cosmos. Many are concerned with the planets of your solar system. These shall remain; these are going through their own changes and Ascension process. The only difference will be a new planet that is born from the sun. It will take the place where Mars is now and Mars will return to where it had been previously. It had been knocked off its rotation and that is how it has become like a desert. Life on it died and it lost its atmosphere. But it will return to where it used to be and it shall be cleansed and renewed so it can be populated again.

And this is right next to Venus; the asteroid belt shall remain. So there is only a slight change to your solar system. Uranus, Neptune, Pluto, and all other outer planets shall remain where they are. The New Earth, the one that shall receive a new name, shall move one planet out. It shall be fourth from your sun in its location. If there is any confusion, there shall be maps brought forth in the future.

So people will have the knowledge of how exactly the solar system really is; how many planets, where they are placed, what they are made of, their rotation and times and differences, who populates each planet and the species upon them. All these things shall be brought forward in the future and this knowledge will bring comfort to those who speak the truth.
( Sun, Mercury, Venus, Mars, New 3D "earth", New world born from sun, Asteroid belt, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune, Pluto and possible other planets further out.

Добавлено (08.04.2012, 14:16)
Chapter Five

I will speak of Nibiru because many here on Earth have no knowledge of it and the knowledge they have received has been altered. They do not believe that it exists when in fact it is just around the corner. It is coming from behind the sun and soon the whole world will see it.

In the beginning, when they first see it, it will appear as a small red cross. Everyone will know it is heading towards Earth. It will not hit Earth directly. It will bypass it and come so close that it will slow the Earth's spin to where it stops directly for a day and a night followed by another day. It will appear as one day, just as the scriptures have foretold. When the sun sets it will not be dark. It stays Light as though the sun stood still, and it shall, for the Earth will not spin.

It will get very warm on the sun's side, which will be over the United States. It will be very dark and cold over Europe and China. But then, as Nibiru continues on in about a 36-hour period, it passes Earth. The Earth's spin shall reverse and go in the other direction. The sun shall appear as it rises from the west and as it sets in the East. The poles shall change direction, not physically but electro-magnetically. So it will change the negative and the positive on the other end and this shall change the composition of the Earth electromagnetics. And Nibiru shall pass by.

And it also gives us the opportunity for coming and going from Nibiru to Earth very easily and that is why you will have mass sightings through the Vesica Pisces or vortex that opens up directly after Nibiru passes. All the great suns will align with the world, for this is the shift that will cleanse the Earth. Those who have been hidden in the caves and underworld places will come forth again to start civilization over.

Those who have been picked up by the Galactic Federation and others who have made prior agreements to do so shall return to the Earth and they shall rebuild. They will bring back plants and animals and seeds and it will be a beautiful world and civilization again. This time they will learn to live as one with the Earth and no longer pollute it or harm it in any manner. It shall be a beautiful world.

Nibiru will continue on its journey around again and we will leave. Those who have agreed to come with us shall. Some shall go to the ships with the Galactic Federation and visit other parts of the worlds and galaxies, reseed other planets. Mars shall return to where it used to be by Venus and shall be healed and repopulated with people and it shall start a new civilization again. A new world shall be born from the sun. It will take the place of where Mars is now and that too shall be populated and be glorious and thus, it will be a beautiful new civilization, new solar system, and the universe shall roll on in their journeys.
Yes, Nibiru was created by us as a planetoid. The inner core used to be what you would call an asteroid. We learned how to create civilizations and planets and different things. It is not a true world as it started out as an asteroid, but that's why we call it a planetoid. But yet it is serviceable. It has plants and animals and we exist on it as a regular world. We have many cities. They are very different from your cities. They are clean and bright. They have high technology. We create our air, our water and all that we need. We have the knowledge of manifestation, of creation.

We do have our fights and arguments. We are not spiritual beings. We are Beings as you are in a mortal body, but our life spans are different. Our bodies are slightly different than yours and therefore we had many difficulties when we came to Earth. Our bodies are used to longer lifetimes and being far away from the sun and then closer to the sun as our journeys on Nibiru are ecliptic. What you call ecliptic. It is an oval journey around the sun. That is why we needed the gold. Because when we are way out in space it gets very cold and we have to heat the world. But when we are very close to the sun it gets very warm. So the gold in our atmosphere protects us in our journey around the sun.

It takes 1,300 to 2,600 years, depending, on the cycle. Some cycles are longer and some shorter. We are headed around again. We should pass Earth soon, it depends, because we have been speeding up and slowing down due to tail drag and different things in the cosmos going on. There will be some cataclysmic events, but not as bad as when the lining up of the suns occurs. That will cause the cleansing of the Earth.

I will speak of myself. Many people have concerns about Jesus Christ returning and the probability that the government might create a false illusion or hologram. They wish to show that Jesus Christ has returned, a second coming, as they want him to. This is what the Vatican has stated and what churches and religions have stated. We will not allow this to occur. We will not allow this hallucination, this hologram to be made. I will return as I have stated before, via my ship, which will land on the
Pyramid at Giza. I will walk the Earth as Jesus Christ, as Quetzalcoatl, etc. People will know me by my name. They will see me for who they think I am or was. And then they will see the truth. They will see that I am Enki! It was I who returned to the Earth as these Beings. That I returned in Love and Light to help them. Not only did I return in those lifetimes, but I shall return in this life time as the Ascension occurs.

I have been many leaders on Earth. My first reincarnation was Quetzalcoatl in the Yucatan. I appeared as Kukulcan for the Mayan. In Peru I was known as Viracocha. I also appeared to the Tibetans and Chinese as various leaders and rulers. I had different names. Quan Yin and Quan Chin, I was first a female and then a male. Quan Chin was born about 300 years after Quan Yin. This also -- a person named Yet Li (not sure of correct spelling) about 1600, in China, in the Province of Yu Lang. This can be verified in the records. I have appeared in various other forms, but not in the physical. I used to be known also in ancient times as Enki, Oannes, Titan, Youla, and many others, too numerous to mention. I was the one who created Atlantis. It was a resort for myself as well as a place of teaching for my children and descendants. Also for those he created and they inherited it. Although later on, many thousands of years later, my descendants destroyed it through their selfishness and greed.

And thus those Atlantians, during the sinking of the islands, fled to the Yucatan, to Africa, to Europe, to Florida, and to many islands in the Caribbean. All those places have my descendants. Many have been known as the Olmec, the Mayan, the Toltec, and many others. Yet there is evidence of Atlantis today in the Mediterranean, in the Yucatan, in Antarctica, and even in the North United Sates. For those people have brought the knowledge with them when they fled. Many of the things written in the books today are correct. Although they don't have the full story, that will come forth in what you call the third dimension, the physical world. These things are yet to be. But things will happen when they are supposed to and so have patience.

Chapter Six

I wish to go on to other thing and beings. The reptilians are a different species than you are. They have skin like the stomach of a reptile or a snake as you would call it on Earth. It breathes in the oxygen and moisture through the ground, through the air. They are highly technical, highly military, and warlike. They are learning how to Love as well and yet there are some that work with the military that are not very nice. They are of the lower spectrum of the reptilian.

There are many species of reptilian in the Orion sector. Many of them have good hearts and good souls and are of higher species than those that have come to Earth. They are relatives. My father Anu married my mother Antu who is a reptilian. She has the copper blood. She has the knowledge of wormholes and space travel. She is a good soul. She is a spiritual soul. She has Love in her heart for many. She has not fallen. She is not what you call the fallen ones. She is of the Nephilim however and a higher spiritual Being far in advance by millions of years from those on Earth. She lives on a planet you call 7BAC69. It is way out in space about 6 billion years Earth travel. It has been in existence for 17 billion years and populated with the reptilians for the last 10 billion years or so. It is a beautiful planet. It is very tropical like your Florida everglades only with lots of flowers.

We live under the waters and we have built special buildings there. We have technology to make them light and warm. We have the technology to travel in many different ways. We were able to breath under the water as well in those days. We have advanced ourselves technologically more than you can ever know. It is too difficult to explain. But you will learn of these things in the future as well. You will learn to open your hearts to other species that look different from you and have different lives than you and have different beliefs than you. It will be a glorious time for you to travel through space and learn all these things. As I said, there are 39 species. Sixteen of those look like humanoids. Some have different ears or different eyes or different skin color, but basically are humanoids. The rest are reptilian of different varieties. Some tall, some short, some light skinned, some dark skinned, some from water worlds, and some from dry worlds.

All have been picked from the highest spiritual knowledge and Love in their hearts to share these things. That this wonderful experiment called Earth can come forth as a Healing Light to many worlds. This experiment has come to its fulfillment. It has been completed and it is at an end. The knowledge from this experiment shall go out into the universe so that many worlds may benefit and over millions of years to come receive the Light and go through their Ascensions as well. So this Earth is on the path that has been accomplished by prior worlds and shall continue as other worlds have done. I shall end chapter six at this time.

Chapter Seven

Time is changing. Be aware it has begun. Open your hearts and be not afraid. And though many things may happen, your soul shall go on and there will be Light and Love and happiness for all. The gentle Love shall rain down like tears from your Father, your Creator, and shall heal your hearts and souls and the Earth.

And yet, there are many things that your government and those who are in control try to make you fear. Fear shall end and be no more. It shall be like a great mirror that has come down between the two of you. All the negative energy they try to aim at you shall bounce off that mirror and return to them. This shall end their tyranny, their injustices, their hatred and anger, their wars and pain. All they have portrayed upon this people in this world shall end.

Those on the other side of the mirror will be like Alice in the looking glass. They will be able to see through that mirror from the other side and see all those things that were done but not feel it any more. They will be protected and know that they are safe. They will feel the world full of bright Loving Light and feel the Joy and comfort. They will see their Loved ones that have passed on to the spirit world. For these worlds will join together as one. It shall be a great joyous time of family reunions, of happiness and healing. It will be a time of knowledge being poured down upon all the souls who have suffered in these lives. This time is a time for them, a time to be with their Father and their Loved ones. All that they have known in the past will come forward. They will have full understanding of their lives and their purpose.

The angels will sound their trumpets and sing Hallelujah's and bring forth great Joy and be as one. This will come forth. This world ascending shall be a shining star in the heavens. Other worlds will receive Love from this world. This will take millions of years according to your time but it will seem but a moment and it will be a great Joy to all. To those on the other side in darkness, though it will seem like a time of great trial, pain and sorrow, it is not. It is learning for their soul. It is a time to pass on to a new life. They shall be reborn again. Even though they shall forget this life and start anew and their souls shall go on. They shall gain the knowledge they need. For one day they will reach this point in time and they shall ascend as well.

So it is not a punishment. It is not done in anger or hatred. It is just schooling for the soul. It will be but a brief moment for them. As it is in all learning processes for a child as they grow up. Sometimes the sorrow or pain is actually the greatest time of learning. The moment passes, the smile returns, and the hearts are healed. So it is just the Great Father teaching his children how to become like him.

I will speak a little more on the ascension process as people seem to be a little confused. To those who teach that it is just a consciousness exchange that is true depending on how you look at it. But with a change in consciousness you can change the world. You can change your physical appearance to your true self. When you heal the spirit, you heal the mind. When you heal your mind, your mind can do anything, all things. You can create things. That is how The Great Creator has. It was a thought process. He thought of us. He thought of expanding himself to learn more. You send that consciousness out to the world. It becomes what you call viable. It becomes the earth, the stars, and the moon. All things are created by thought.
Therefore if you heal your thought processes, you send it out to the cosmos. The Great Creator, He (He/She in perfect balance) helps you manifest it into reality. So when you are a co-creator with your Father in Heaven, He is teaching us how to create worlds, how to populate them with our children. And thus we go on. We go on forever.

We are born as a soul. You go on and grow as a soul. You become a physical Being. You start like you are in kindergarten and you to continue to grow, first grade, second grade. Even now, myself, I am in the eighth dimension and will continue to grow. I have not yet returned to the Father. I have much to learn and overcome myself. I am not what they call a "god' as far as being perfect. I am far from it. I am still learning and growing; and thus you will too. You will follow in my footsteps. We all have things we are learning as souls. The next step is giving birth to our own soul children. They will follow in our footsteps and the worlds go on forever and ever. One eternal round; as is above is below and as is below is above. We are one forever.

Many of our children on the Earth have many fears. I wish to allay them and comfort them at this time. I will return and not as they expect. The government will try to portray that. It is a false picture. As the religions have taught, they will think that I will just float down from the sky and appear like an angel. That is incorrect. Although I am an eighth dimensional being who lives in the fifth dimension at times, I have the means to come down physically and that is what I will do. So that they will know that it is I myself Enki, the creator of mankind. I, who was Jesus the Christ, was also called Quetzalcoatle, Kulkulcan, and many others. They will know me by their sight.

That I have a physical body but yet it is a perfect body, that they will have the same. They will become like me. Where I do not get sick anymore, I do not feel pain anymore, nor do I hunger or thirst, nor will I die to a physical death. The same will be for them. It will be a whole new life for them. One filled with Joy, Sunshine, Laughter, and Learning; of Oneness. No more wars, no more anger with one another, no more undisciplined children.

It will be a Joyous time, a free time. There will be respect for one another, no matter what nationality, no matter what color of skin, no matter what species or worlds you come from. And yes, there will be many from other worlds that will visit and help to teach you. It will be those who contributed to your DNA and all those who are nearby. It is like a Superbowl. They are all gathering together to watch this unique and wonderful experience that you will be experiencing. It will be such a Joyous time. No more illnesses and diseases.

Many have spoken of the government trying to put forth diseases to lesson the population. That will not be allowed. So you do not need to worry. Many are saying you should get together your emergency supplies. That is not necessary. What is needed is your spirit, your soul, your heart to open up and be aware of Love and Light. Pray more, meditate more, and be kind to those around you. Be not so concerned with property and physical things. Things are not important. It is the people and souls that are important. The world will go on. Things will happen. You need to Love one another and be Kind to one another. Watch your words and thoughts. Share what you have with one another. Follow my teachings. Live as I lived. Do as I did and when I return, things will change and I will come back as I stated previously in my ship. I will land on the Pyramid in Giza and all the libraries and the knowledge will come forth.

Those of the Galactic Federation and those who are here to help will come forward. They will assist in what they are allowed to assist in. It will not be a total rescue like everyone says either. You have to do your part to and be ready. So you need to detach yourself from physical things; because they will go away to a certain degree. You will manifest things that you will be in need of and those things will be of a higher spiritual caliber. These are the things you need to be concerned with. Pay your debts as much as possible and get rid of things you do not need any more. Get ready to do the things that are more needful. When you ascend, all will be known. Dreams will be coming more and more colorful and you shall be remembering them better and better. Many are keeping journals and this will help bring fourth the truth as well as the libraries being opened. Joyous things will be coming forth.

You don't need to be afraid. You don't need to be in fear; that this time is a time for becoming free, becoming Light, becoming Love. There will be those who will be traveling on to new worlds. For those are souls who still need to learn and grow. But know that we do not cease to exist. This body is like getting into a car and driving for a while in your Volvo, or your Volkswagen bug. Some have Ferrari's or whatever. Each life is different. It is just temporary and you get out of your car and go on to another one; one journey after another of a learning process for your soul. Your soul lives on forever.

I have such concerns for those who have such a state of fear that they create for themselves such unnecessary blockages of spirit. They need not fear! For it is a time to look forward to of great Love and Light. Like the sun shining after months and months of rain. The time that is coming is like the sun breaking out and pouring down on this Earth full of Light and Joy and spring time. This is how it is going to be. Also, things are changing for the better because more souls are opening up to the Light. Some of the cataclysmic events have been lessened. It will continue to be so. Many things the Galactic Federation is also helping with.

But yet some events will occur and be aware that you will be safe, your families will be safe, and also many in other parts of the world will be safe. It will be a glorious time. And it begins again as the solar system passes out of the photon belt and away from the central sun and back into the negative energy. The next period of growth and trial comes to the planet and the new world and its stars again. But it is just a new beginning. A new growing period and a new challenging time for that is how we learn.

Chapter Eight

When Nibiru passes by the Earth, it will cause the rotation to stop and go in the opposite direction. The poles will change, not physically, but electromagnetically. So North becomes as the South is now, the positive and negative charges switch locations. This causes some of the earth changes and cataclysmic events. There will be three days of darkness when the Earth stops rotating and then it starts spinning the other way.

This is how, when Nibiru comes so close to the Earth, we can travel to the Earth so quickly. Now it is close enough that our ships can make the transport easier from Nibiru. Many of the Galactic Federation will come through at that time as well. They will help pick up those who have made previous agreements to be teachers and healers on the ships. And many people will be picked up also for the Ascension process. They in turn will also assist awakening others for the ascension process and when that will occur per individual. There are many who are already awakened to the ascension process who have made agreements to be here on Earth and to assist others and Gaia.

You will find that many have gathered here to Phoenix. This is a great female center. This is where the Vesica Piscus opens. This is where many hearts are awakened to be with our Galactic Federation brothers and sisters; those who have had many experiences here on Earth. This is why so many have gathered in groups and come together for a common bond and purpose. And that is to be prepared to help others with this process of being picked up so that they will not have fear. There are many still unawakened and they will need this assistance.

There will be a major mother ship arriving to Earth. It will bring many souls from the Galactic Federation here who are scientists, doctors, and lawyers. Those that have this knowledge will help reform this government. Those who will help heal the Earth will come forth at that time. They will be mainly stationed in Egypt. But they will spread forth to other main centers such as the Yucatan, Tibet, and also North America. There will be one center here in Phoenix. And these doctors, lawyers, healers, and scientists will go forth and help bring the knowledge that will be healing the Earth. Many, after ascending with Earth, will choose to go on to assist other worlds.

Things will be happening simultaneously as the Earth ascends. There will be a splitting across. So remember that those who are on the side of the Light will have all of this healing, all of this Love/Light, all this golden effect comes into their Beings, and all of this knowledge returned. And those on the other side of the mirror, it will seem like a dark cataclysmic time for them; a time for their souls to go through the learning process of toil where they will pass on. They will pass away from the cataclysmic events and get reborn to another world, time, or space. Some may choose to stay on the Earth go through that process.
The splitting apart of the two dimensions will occur. I wish to speak on the side of the Light rather than the darkness. We know what occurs in the darkness, although I will briefly state again, it will seem to them that all the cataclysmic events and all those things will be happening to them. Those who will have ascended will have vanished from before their eyes. Those who are staying in the lower vibrational rate will remain while those who are ascending to the higher vibrational rate will be in the Light. And that is all I will say for the darkness.

The Earth will be cleansed and reformed into a brand New Earth. As I stated before, it will be repopulated and healed and cleansed; a new third dimensional world. It will be given a whole new name and a new place in the solar system. As for those who have ascended into the higher vibrational rate, into the fifth dimension, they will be where they are supposed to be. They will be in the Love Light and the healing. To them it will be a brand new life full of sunlight, joy, knowledge and peace. They will go forth and start their own worlds in their own creational periods, learning new things.

There will be some that will be going back and forth between the two dimensions to assist. And that will be learning for them as well, to learn how to create their own worlds and how things work in the fifth dimensional world. Many will learn new trades and sciences. Some have chosen to become travelers and gain knowledge of the solar systems and worlds and how they function. What you may call astronauts but even further. Some will learn the process of wormhole travel and going to different dimensions. And there will be many new things being learned in the new fifth dimension. I always like to focus on the positive, on the Love Light. In a sense it is all good, but it is for the fifth dimensional world I am concerned with right now.

And so they have hope, Light, and Love to look forward to family reunions and much knowledge being taught to them in this first step into this new dimension. And as there are many steps in each dimension, know that there are different levels in the fifth dimension. As they grow in spirit and knowledge they will accomplish these things and become eventually to where I am. And I continue where I am and then go on to the higher dimensions.

Many of my brother and sisters, the Anunnaki are working with me in the Galactic Federation. It is to overcome things that we have learned in the past, things we did wrong. We are working off what you would call our karma. We were not perfect. We were far from it. And we still are not perfect, even as we are now. This is a learning and growing process for all souls. But we have entered into a time of Peace and Light and Love. And this is where you will be going and coming. In this you have much Joy to look forward to. Know this that those who are coming to Earth in ships are not here to harm you in any manner as the government has stated.

Those who are of the negative entities are leaving. They have been told to leave. They will no longer be allowed to harm anyone or do anything to harm the Earth in any manner. Those here in the skies that you see are from the Galactic Federation and other Federations associated with it. Those who are from the free worlds are here for healing and teaching. And anything that the government portrays from this time forward will not be true and you will be able to tell the difference between the truth and that which is not true.

Moreover, they will fail because they will be made to look the fools as they have been teaching fear and darkness. It will return to them threefold, and they will fall. And there will be no more government, no more religious institutions; all will be free and reformed. So you have no more fear of that. The truth shall come forward. Hearts will be healed and knowledge will be given and Love, peace, and gratefulness will abound. There will be forgiveness

Ray2012Дата: Воскресенье, 08.04.2012, 15:24 | Сообщение # 255
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vlad9vt, кажись тут русскоязычный форум dry
vlad9vtДата: Четверг, 19.04.2012, 00:13 | Сообщение # 256
Сообщений: 2125
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vlad9vt, кажись тут русскоязычный форум

я переводил переводчиком гугл
чуть позже выложу пару фрагментов -самых важных и интересных
о том что будет в скором будующем - связанных с прибытием Нибиру

Добавлено (09.04.2012, 18:49)
там тоже говорится про три дня ночи- и дают обьяснение - так как земля остановит вращение (или притормозит на три дня)- при приближении нибиру
в америке будет три дня света - а в европе и азии три дня ночи (холода)
затем смена магнитных полюсов - смена наклона оси .....
ну и катаклизмы по полной программе - всё это мягко называют вознесением . Дабы не будоражить людей ....

Добавлено (10.04.2012, 19:35)

вот ещё больше инфы
чую что они с Нибиру и Сириус-а
может ошибаюсь...... Очень познавательная инфа

Добавлено (13.04.2012, 10:08)

храмы майя

Добавлено (18.04.2012, 22:21)

Тайны Кольского полуострова и Карелии...

Добавлено (19.04.2012, 00:13)

pssДата: Четверг, 19.04.2012, 01:22 | Сообщение # 257
Сообщений: 73
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Quote (vlad9vt)
думал и пришёл к выводу если бы вдруг кто-то из нашего будущего решил бы вдруг вернутся во времени назад - на миллиарды лет . То тут в нашем настоящем мы должны бы были видеть его следы.

окаменевший след и раздавленный трилобит, dry он жил около 500 млн. лет назад

может эт не аНунаХи? dry

Сообщение отредактировал pss - Четверг, 19.04.2012, 01:23
vlad9vtДата: Четверг, 19.04.2012, 12:50 | Сообщение # 258
Сообщений: 2125
Статус: Offline
я тут нарвался на массу документов о полой земле из папки Меркулова cool
там же и документы из Аненербе cool
Карты и т.п.
окаменевший след и раздавленный трилобит, dry он жил около 500 млн. лет назад

очень даже может быть
это касается и геологического молотка - причём метал не ржавеет и абсолютно чистый без- домесей
это невозможно создать абсолютно чистый метал -даже в современных условиях

Добавлено (19.04.2012, 12:50)
надо видео новое делать smile
c новыми документами
там же - допросы и Блюмкина и Барченко

Сообщение отредактировал vlad9vt - Четверг, 19.04.2012, 12:44
pssДата: Четверг, 19.04.2012, 21:47 | Сообщение # 259
Сообщений: 73
Статус: Offline
Quote (vlad9vt)
это касается и геологического молотка - причём метал не ржавеет и абсолютно чистый без- домесей
это невозможно создать абсолютно чистый метал -даже в современных условиях

да да, молоток вообще вынос мозга, я о нём впервые узнал в 2002 году, мозг просто закипел! вопросами без ответа...
Металлический молот, заключенный в каменную глыбу из мелового периода, Эмма Хан, жительница городка Лондон (штат Техас, США) со своей семьей нашла во время путешествия в 1934 году в Техасе. Она надпилила металлическую часть, чтобы сделать анализ и выяснить, из чего он состоит. Место надпила до сих пор не заржавело.

Молот целиком находился внутри куска породы, только часть рукоятки торчала наружу Металлическая часть молота имеет длину 15 сантиметров и диаметр около 3 сантиметров Деревянная рукоятка полностью окаменела, и ее структура указывает на пористую углефикацию Подделать такое, по-видимому, невозможно

По оценкам доктора К Е Бафа, директора Музея ископаемых древностей, в котором хранится этот молот, находка происходит из раннего мелового периода -от 140 до 65 миллионов лет назад По современному состоянию научных знаний, человечество ' научилось делать такие орудия труда только 10 тысяч лет назад

Анализ металла "Лондонского молотка" сделал Металлургический институт в Колумбусе (штат Огайо) и получил следующие данные

96% железа, 2,6% хлора, 0,74% серы!

В металле не обнаружено ни одного пузырька Качество железа даже по современным меркам исключительно высокое и вызывает много вопросов, так как не обнаруживается содержание металлов, применяемых в металлургической промышленности при производстве разных сортов стали (как, например, марганец,
кобальт, никель, вольфрам, ванадий или молибден) Также отсутствуют посторонние примеси, а процентное содержание хлора необычайно большое Удивляет также, что в железе не найдено никаких следов углерода, тогда как в железной руде из земных месторождений всегда содержится углерод и другие примеси
Существуют и другие находки из того же периода, которые можно признать подлинными, так как подделать их было бы невероятно сложно В 1974 году британский антрополог Мэри Лики обнаружила в Танзании зубы и части скелета человекообразного существа Радиометрическое исследование позволило определить возраст находки-от 63 до 75 миллионов лет
Добавлено (19.04.2012, 21:47)
Неопознанные Ископаемые Объекты
тут немного есть для старта (кому интересно)

да ещё читал про Карту создателя тоже в тот период...


Сообщение отредактировал pss - Четверг, 19.04.2012, 21:59
vlad9vtДата: Четверг, 19.04.2012, 22:00 | Сообщение # 260
Сообщений: 2125
Статус: Offline
да да, молоток вообще вынос мозга, я о нём впервые узнал в 2002 году, мозг просто закипел! вопросами без ответа..

причём хочу заметить - для инопланетян молоток уж слишком примитивно, это типично человеческое орудие- и может быть только у людей.
Хотя я читал про рептилий саури - разумных динозавров - которые обитали во времена динозавров .
Возможно молоток их- но есть одно большое но:
Там метал абсолютной чистоты - такого даже сейчас не могут добиться - чтоб выплавить.
То есть для этого нужны супер технологии- и супер развитое общество - а саури тогда были в каменном веке .
А потом там ещё разразилась война. CО ЗВЕЗДЫ Процион против альфа дракониан( которые с звезды)Thuban. И те и другие планету покинули 65 -64 млн лет назад
Молотку где то 150-105 млн лет.(покрайней мере там инфа такая). То есть иными словами единственный вариант - это из нашего будующего (люди) переместились ) в прошлое
и там потеряли молоток(геологический) Это именно геологический молоток - для поиска полезных минералов.

Добавлено (19.04.2012, 22:00)
А ДЕРЕВО РУКОЯТКИ МОЛОТКА -ОКАМЕНЕЛО-Можно было бы по дереву как-то пролить свет


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